Bibliography 1967 — 2003
Andreas Gaile’s Bibliography from “Fabulating Beauty”
Being over 1,200 items by and about Peter Carey from the 1960’s until 2005, at which point Dr. Gaile got married, had children and began a more normal life. He teaches English at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz.
To view all the fruits of his extraordinary labours, including this bibliography, see Fabulating Beauty. Perspectives on the Fiction of Peter Carey. GAILE, Andreas (Ed.) Pub Rodopi Amsterdam/New York, 2005. 438 pp
1 Works by Peter Carey
1.1 Published Books
The Fat Man in History (St Lucia: U of Queensland P, 1974).
War Crimes (St Lucia: U of Queensland P, 1979).
The Fat Man in History, London, Faber 1980 (selected from the Australian editions of “War Crimes” and “The Fat Man in History”)
Bliss (St Lucia: U of Queensland P, 1981).
Illywhacker (St Lucia: U of Queensland P, 1985).
Oscar and Lucinda (St Lucia: U of Queensland P, 1988).
Letter to Our Son,” Granta 24 (1988): 119–35.
The Tax Inspector (St Lucia: U of Queensland P, 1991).
The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith (St Lucia: U of Queensland P, 1994).
Collected Stories (St Lucia: U of Queensland P, 1994).
A Letter to Our Son (St Lucia: U of Queensland P, 1994); previously published as “A
The Big Bazoohley (St Lucia: U of Queensland P, 1995).
Jack Maggs (St Lucia: U of Queensland P, 1997).
True History of the Kelly Gang (St Lucia: U of Queensland P, 2000).
30 Days in Sydney: A Wildly Distorted Account (London: Bloomsbury, 2001).
Four Easy Pieces (London: Belmont, 2002). [This exclusive little book contains the four previously published essays “September 11, 2001,” “A Small Memorial,” “Home,” “A Letter to Our Son”]
My Life as a Fake (Milsons Point, NSW: Random, 2003).
Wrong about Japan (Milsons Point, NSW: Random, 2004).
Theft: A Love Story (Milsons Point, NSW: Random, 2005).
His Illegal Self (Milsons Point, NSW: Random, 2008).
1.2 Unpublished Novels
Contacts [1964–1965], Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series A: Novels, A1: Unpublished Novels. Starts Here, Ends Here [1965–1967], Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series A: Novels, A1: Unpublished Novels. Wog [1969], Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series A: Novels, A1: Unpublished Novels. The Futility Machine [1966–67], Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series A: Novels, A1: Unpublished Novels. Adventures on Board the Marie Celeste [1971], Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series A: Novels, A1: Unpublished Novels.
1.3 Unpublished Short Stories
“Around the Rugged Rocks the Ragged Rascal Ran” [1973], Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series B: Short Stories, B1: Unpublished Short Stories, B1 (c) Later Short Stories
“The Dream of the World’s Greatest Architect” [undated], Papers of Peter Carey (National Library of Australia, MS7566): Series 2: Writings, 1967—1979, Subseries 2.2 Short Stories: Folder 34.
“A Fear of High Places,” Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series B: Short Stories, B1: Unpublished Short Stories, B1 (c) Later Short Stories.
“Feet” [undated], Papers of Peter Carey (National Library of Australia, MS7566): Series 2: Writings, 1967—1979, Subseries 2.2 Short Stories: Folder 29.
“Fire Dreams” [undated], Papers of Peter Carey (National Library of Australia, MS7566): Series 2: Writings, 1967—1979, Subseries 2.2 Short Stories: Folder 37.
“I Know You Can Talk,” Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series B: Short Stories, B1: Unpublished Short Stories, B1 (a): Early Short Stories 1965—1967.
“The Last Great Optimist” [undated], Papers of Peter Carey (National Library of Australia, MS7566): Series 2: Writings, 1967—1979, Subseries 2.2 Short Stories: Folder 38.
“Learn to Grow Roses,” Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series B: Short Stories, B1: Unpublished Short Stories, B1 (c) Later Short Stories.
“In Loving Memory of Luke McClosky” [undated], Papers of Peter Carey (National Library of Australia, MS7566): Series 2: Writings, 1967—1979, Subseries 2.2 Short Stories: Folder 31.
“A Man Needs His Dreams,” Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series B: Short Stories, B1: Unpublished Short Stories, B1 (a): Early Short Stories 1965—1967.
“Marvin Gnash Is Really Weird” [undated], Papers of Peter Carey (National Library of Australia, MS7566): Series 2: Writings, 1967—1979, Subseries 2.2 Short Stories: Folder 32.
“Mayfair” [undated], Papers of Peter Carey (National Library of Australia, MS7566): Series 2: Writings, 1967—1979, Subseries 2.2 Short Stories: Folder 39.
“One. Two,” Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series B: Short Stories, B1: Unpublished Short Stories, B1 (a): Early Short Stories 1965—1967.
“Osmosis,” Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series B: Short Stories, B1: Unpublished Short Stories, B1 (a): Early Short Stories 1965—1967.
“Rousseau Set upon by His Tigers.” Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series B: Short Stories, B1: Unpublished Short Stories, B1 (c) Later Short Stories
“Saturday” [undated], Papers of Peter Carey (National Library of Australia, MS7566): Series 2: Writings, 1967—1979, Subseries 2.2 Short Stories: Folder 35.
“Separate,” Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series B: Short Stories, B1: Unpublished Short Stories, B1 (a): Early Short Stories 1965—1967.
“Shapes,” Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series B: Short Stories, B1: Unpublished Short Stories, B1 (a): Early Short Stories 1965—1967.
“Ten to Twelve Something Like This,” Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series B: Short Stories, B1: Unpublished Short Stories, B1 (a): Early Short Stories 1965—1967.
“Up and Down the Beach,” Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series B: Short Stories, B1: Unpublished Short Stories, B1 (a): Early Short Stories 1965—1967.
“Winnegan’s Fake,” Papers of Peter Carey (Fryer Library, University of Queensland): Series B: Short Stories, B1: Unpublished Short Stories, B1 (a): Early Short Stories 1965—1967.
1.4 Uncollected Short Stories
“An Abandoned Chapter,” Overland 148 (1997): 16—17.
“Contacts,” in Under Twenty-Five: An Anthology, ed. Anne O’Donovan, Jayne Sanderson & Shane Porteous (Brisbane: Jacaranda, 1966): 34—36. [Extract from the 1964 novel]
“The Cosmic Pragmatist,” Nation Review 8 September 1977: 14—15.
“Eight Parts of a Whole,” Manic Magazine 1.1 (1970): 43—44.
“I Know You Can Talk,” Stand Magazine 16.2 (1975): 14—29.
“Interview with Yourself,” Manic Magazine 1.1 (1970): 45.
“The Mad Puzzle King,” Living Daylights 18 December 1975: 9.
“The Pleasure Bird,” Australian Playboy (September 1979): 149—67.
“The Rose,” Nation Review 23 April 1976: 683.
“She Wakes,” Australian Letters: A Quarterly Review of Writing and Criticism 7.4 (1967): 24—25. [Carey’s first published work]
“Structure,” Manic Magazine 1.1 (1970): 43—44.
1.5 Miscellaneous: Author’s Statements, Essays, Newspaper Articles
“Authors’ Statements,” Australian Literary Studies 10.2 (1981): 191—93.
“Peter Carey Accepts NBC Award,” NBC [National Book Council] Newsletter 13.2 (1986): 2—3.
“Of Coventry and Caring: Some Thoughts on Australian Publishing,” National Times [Australia] 4 April 1986: 30.
“Our Love Affair with Losers,” Herald [Melbourne] 15 September 1987: 11.
“Sydney Side Up,” Sunday Times Magazine [London] 17 January 1988: 38—46; repr. [excerpts] in New York Magazine 19 October 1998, available at [ Link» ]
“Am I Safe? Carey Takes a Walk on the Dark Side of the Street,” Vogue Australia 32.8 (August 1988): 176—77, 197.
“The Thin Man Makes History, Biting the Imperial Hand,” Australian Author 21.3 (1989): 17. [Edited text of Carey’s acceptance speech on winning the 1989 Miles Franklin award for Oscar and Lucinda].
“Local Authors Likely to Suffer under PSA Plan,” Sydney Morning Herald 30 October 1989: 13; repr. as “Against Open Slather for Book Imports,” Age 1 November 1989: 13 and as “Carey on Copyright,” Australian Bookseller & Publisher (December—January 1989—90): 14—16.
“Dear Salman,” Sunday Times [London] 14 February 1993: Features 6, 9.
“From an Alien to his Second Son,” HQ Magazine (Autumn 1993): 96—99.
“Reluctant Credit Where Edits are Due,” Weekend Australian 23 April 1994: Review Page 4.
“Home,” Courier-Mail 10 September 1994: 4—5; repr. in Brick: A Literary Journal 51 (1995): 4—8.
“A Small Memorial,” New Yorker 25 September 1995: 54, 59—63.
“My Lasting Wish,” Australian Magazine 14 October 1995: 10, 13—14, 16—18.
“Peter Carey,” An Eloquent Sufficiency: 50 Writers Talk About Life and Literature Over Lunch, ed. Susan Wyndham (Sydney: Sydney Morning Herald, 1998): 231—36.
“Come Back,” Courier-Mail 30 June 2000: 12.
“I Still Love New York,” [ Link» ] – displayAge 22 September 2001: News Extra 1, 4.
“Letter to Robert McCrum,” Observer 23 September 2001: 24.
“The Book You Have to Read,” Entertainment Weekly 7 December 2001: 99.
“Remembrance of Things in the Moment,” Age Saturday Extra 19 January 2002: 6.
“My Teacher, My Friend,” Bulletin 20 August 2002: 70—71.
“John Batman Australia Day Oration,” Australia Day Luncheon, Melbourne Exhibition Centre, 25 January 2002: 14 May 2002 [ Link» ].
“Refugee Policy Corrodes Our Soul” [Letter to the Editor], Age 13 February 2002: 14.
“Australian Writers Slam Mandatory Detention” [Letter to the Editor], Sydney Morning Herald 13 February 2002: 12.
“Master Works,” Sun Herald [Sydney] 21 September 2003: 10.
“Peter Carey at Jean Georges,” Sydney Morning Herald 1 Jauray 2004: 17. [Carey on an Observer mission to test the five-star restaurant in New York]
1.6 Screenplays
Carey, Peter & Ray Lawrence. Bliss: The Screenplay (St Lucia: U of Queensland P, 1985).
Carey, Peter & Wim Wenders. Until The End of the World (Road Movies, Argos Films & Village Roadshow Pictures, 1988).
2 Interviews
Ahearne, Kate. “An Interview with Peter Carey,” Going Down Swinging 1 (1980): 43—55.
——. “Kate Ahearne in Conversation with Peter Carey,” Australian Book Review 99 (April 1988): 14—15.
Aiton, Doug. “From Bacchus Marsh to the Bright Lights,” Sunday Age 4 August 1991: 3.
Angiolillo, Francesca. “A história do bando de Kelly: Anti-herói pertence mais à tragédia que ao western,” Folha de Sao Paulo 27 July 2002: 25.
Anon. Powells.Com Interviews 3 January 2003. [ Link» ].
Anthony, Susan. “The Tax Inspector as Hero,” Bulletin 2 July 1991: 18.
Attwood, Alan. “Is this Man Mad? The Marvellous Mind of Peter Carey,” Time 22 February 1988. 54—57.
——. “What the Dickens?” Age 1 August 1997: Good Weekend Magazine 22—28.
Bacon, Kevin & Bill Davis. “Peter Carey: Australian National Book Award Winner,” Glimmer Train Stories 14 (1995): 123-33
Baker, Candida. “Carefree Carey,” Age 27 July 1991: 3, 6.
——. “Open Book,” Age 13 January 1990: Good Weekend Magazine 42—45.
——. “Peter Carey,” Yacker: Australian Writers Talk About Their Work, ed. Candida Baker (Sydney: Picador, 1986): 54—77.
Baker, John. “Peter Carey: The Acclaimed Australian has Moved to New York — And to a New Kind of Novel,” Publishers Weekly 13 December 1991: 37—38.
Baraldi, Matteo & Maria Chiara Gnocchi, ed. Scrivere = Incontrare: Migrazione, Multiculturalità, Scrittura: In Dialogo con Anthony Phelps, Vikram Chandra, Peter Carey e Driss Chraïbi (Troposfere: Biblioteca di Letterature Omeoglotte; Macerata, Italy: Quodlibet, 2001. [Proceedings of a conference held in Bologna, 27 May 2000]
Barron, John. “Magwitch is My Ancestor,” Chicago Sun-Times 22 February 1998: 21.
Battersby, Eileen. “Dedicated Realist from Bacchus Marsh,” Irish Times 4 May 1988: 37.
Birnbaum, Robert. “Birnbaum v. Peter Carey,” Morning News 16 December 2003: [ Link» ]
Birns, Nicholas. “The Power to Create for Oneself: An Interview with Peter Carey,” Writing on the Edge 6.1 (1994): 88—96.
——. Birns, Nicholas. “Science Fiction of the Past: Peter Carey in Greenwich Village,” New York Stories 3 (2000): 10—13.
Border, Cathy. “Interview at the Brisbane Irish Club on 18 October 2000,” 7 March 2004 [ Link» ]
Brass, Ken. “The Author Who Hadn’t Read a Book Before he Turned Eighteen,” Australian Women’s Weekly 24 December 1980: 20.
Brown, Phil. “Truth to Tell,” Brisbane News 24 July 2003: 30.
Buckrich, Judith Raphael. “Past, Future and Present,” Overland 133 (1993): 8—14.
Castle, Claudia. “The Honi Soit Interview: Your A—Z Guide to Peter Carey,” Honi Soit 7 June 1982: 8—9.
Charlton, Peter. “Colonial-Life Laureate Turns Tough Eye on Modern Age,” Courier-Mail 8 August 1991: 12.
Cornwell, Jane. “Passion Has its Rewards,” Australian 19 October 2001: 11.
Corty, Bruno. “Peter Carey, un Faulkner Australien,” Figaro 6 February 2003: 73.
Cryer, Dan. “Talking with Peter Carey: Inventing Australia,” Newsday 29 January 1995. 36.
Dare, Tim. “He Bit, Chewed, and Found Bliss,” Sydney Morning Herald 27 May 1982: 3.
Debelle, Penelope. “Flirting with a Past Master,” Advertiser [South Australia] 19 August 1997: 32.
Dessaix, Robert. “An Interview with Peter Carey,” Australian Book Review 167 (1994): 18—20.
Dougary, Ginny. “The Chameleon,” Times Magazine [London] 6 September 2003: 22.
Dougherty, Steve. “Manhattan Transfer,” Who Weekly 6 July 1992: 39—40.
Dutton, Geoffrey. “Carey and the Cringe,” Australian Weekend Magazine 20 February 1988: 7.
Flanagan, Martin. “Starring Tristan Smith,” Age Saturday Extra 3 December 1994: 7.
Ford, Carolyn. “Carey’s Hot on Heels of Another Booker,” Mercury [Hobart] 5 September 1994: 31.
Fuller, Peter. “Carey Gives the Lie to Some Old Lies,” Canberra Times 21 August 1985: 27.
Gill, Leonard. “London Calling,” Memphis Flyer 470 (1998): [ Link» ]
Giuffre, Giulia. “Peter Carey Speaking,” Australian Literary Magazine 6 July 1985: 3.
Glover, Richard Conrad. “The Tallest Story of Them All,” Sydney Morning Herald 29 June 1985: 39.
Green, Stephanie. “An Australian Author Takes US by Storm,” Canberra Times 23 February 1992: 23.
Grimes, William. “An Australian Novelist with a Full-Tilt Pace and Ferocious Humour,” New York Times 28 January 1992: C11, C15.
Harding, Jo—Anne. “Carey Cruises Down the River in a Dream,” Mercury [Hobart] 19 March 1988: 21.
——. “Reality? Just a Touch of Fantasy,” Courier-Mail 27 February 1988: 6.
Harvey, Oliver. “Carey Makes a Novel Switch,” Courier-Mail 16 October 1982: 28.
Hawley, Janet. “How an Ad Man Found Bliss,” Age 26 September 1981: 26.
Heyward, Michael. “Australia’s Literary Ambassador,” Age 24 July 1992: 8.
Hock, Peter. “Australia Does not Give a Stuff,” Billy Blue Magazine 101 (1988): 20—21.
Horin, Adele. “Carey’s in the Grip of a New Novel,” Sunday Times [London] 24 January 1988: 36.
Huck, Peter. “Making of a Literary Lion,” Sydney Morning Herald 29 October 1988: 82.
——. “Carey Confronts Death and Taxes,” Saturday Mercury [Hobart] 3 August 1991: 22.
——. “Peter Carey’s Great Escape: Booker Prize May be Turning Point,” Saturday Mercury [Hobart] 5 November 1988: 17—18.
Huneven, Michelle. “True History: Novelist Peter Carey on Outlaw Ned Kelly, ‘Waltzing Matilda’ and the Booker Prize,” LA Weekly 2 March 2001: 0.
Ifeka, Helena. “Peter Carey,” Hermes [Sydney] 1992: 15—23.
Ikin, Van. “Answers to Seventeen Questions: An Interview with Peter Carey,” Science Fiction: a Review of Speculative Literature 1.1 (1977): 30—39.
Jach, Antoni. “An Interview with Peter Carey,” Mattoid 31.2 (1988): 24—36.
Jardine, Cassandra. “Apocalypse Free … With Every Fifth Packet,” New Fiction [London] 26 (1980): 4—5.
Kellaway, Kate. “Every Man is a Theatre,” Observer 11 September 1994: Review 18.
Kemp, Peter. “Putting the Land of his Mind on the Literary Map,” Sunday Times [London] 20 March 1988: G8.
Koval, Ramona. “The Unexamined Life,” Meanjin 56.3—4 (1997): 667—82.
Lawson, Mark. “Sniffing the Air at Home and Away,” Independent on Sunday 25 August 1991: 18.
Lawson, Valerie. “Peter Carey: Advertising Doesn’t Hurt him a Scrap,” Sydney Morning Herald 5 September 1981: 47.
Lennon, Peter. “No Roots so no Tripping up,” Times [London] 30 October 1985: 12.
Maddocks, John. “Bizarre Realities: An Interview with Peter Carey,” Southerly 41.1 (1981): 27—40.
Maniaty, Tony. “In From the Cold — In a Glass Church,” Christian Science Monitor 9 February 1989: 12.
Manning, Greg. “Peter Carey’s Latest Gamble,” Book Magazine [Australia] 2.1 (1988): 3—6.
Messud, Claire. “Talking with Peter Carey: Imagining Australia,” Newsday 22 Febraury 1998: B11.
Meyer, Lisa. “An Interview with Peter Carey,” Chicago Review 43.2 (1997): 76—89.
Morton—Evans, Michael. “Carey Reaches a Blissful Peak in his Literary Career,” Australian 26 July 1984: 8.
Moss, Laura. “Car-Talk: Interview with Peter Carey,” Ariel 32.4 (2001): 89.
Munro, Craig. “Building the Fabulist Extensions: An Interview with Peter Carey,” Makar 12.1 (1976): 3—12. [Excerpt in: Australian Literary Studies 8.2 (1977): 182—87].
Neilsen, Phillip. “Excerpt from Interview: ‘Tell Me What Colour You Think the Sky Is,'” Australian Literary Studies 10.2 (1981): 191—93.
——. “‘Waiting for the Barbarians’: An Interview with Peter Carey,” Literature in North Queensland 15.3 (1987): 66—73.
Oakley, Barry. “Gothic Splendour: Peter Carey Returns to a Junkyard Landscape of Old,” Weekend Australian 27 July 1991: Review 1.
——. “I’m the One Who Used to Work with Peter Carey,” Australian 27 October 1988: 13.
O’Donohue, Barry. “Write and Person,” Arts National 3.2 (1985): 106—107.
O’Reilly, Nathanael. “The Voice of the Teller: A Conversation with Peter Carey,” Antipodes 16.2 (2002): 164—67.
Organ, Dick. “My Life as a Fake: Interview with Peter Carey,” “The Connection” WBUR [Boston] 12.1.2004: [ Link» ] [Radio interview]
Rees, Jasper. “A Writer’s Life,” Daily Telegraph [London] 13 September 2003: 12.
Riemer, Andrew. “Exceeding Expectations,” Sydney Morning Herald 7 August 1997: 11.
——. “The Creation of Careyland,” Independent Monthly [St Lucia] 6.3 (1994): 69—70.
Roberts, Mark. “Profile of Peter Carey,” Australian Left Review 108 (1988—89): 6.
Rolfe, Patricia. “An Impatient, Rapacious Reader,” Bulletin 28 July 1992: 90—91.
Ross, Jean W. “Contemporary Authors Interview,” in Contemporary Authors: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current Writers in Fiction, General Nonfiction, Poetry, Journalism, Drama, Motion Pictures, Television and Other Fields, vol. 127, ed. Susan M. Trosky (Detroit: Gale, 1989): 74—77.
Sayers, Stuart. “A Particular Bent for the Bizarre,” Age 27 October, 1979: 26.
——. “In Pursuit of Logic,” Age 28 September 1974: 16.
——. “The Glittering Literary Prizes,” Age 4 March 1986: 11.
Sexton, David. “Interview with Peter Carey,” Literary Review [London] (June 1985): 54.
Shelden, Michael. “How I Found Australia in New York,” Daily Telegraph [London] 9 January 2001: 25.
Sibree, Bron. “Novel Difficult to Live with, Difficult to Write: Carey,” Canberra Times 27 July 1991: C7.
Simpson, Lindsay. “Private Lives: Peter Carey and Alison Summers,” Good Weekend [Sydney Morning Herald] 27 August 1988: 8—9.
Somerville—Large, Gillian. “Through Glass Darkly,” Irish Times 16 April 1988: 16.
Sorensen, Rosemary. “Reputations Made and Unmade: Rosemary Sorensen Talks to Evan Green, Alex Miller and Peter Carey,” Australian Book Review 134 (September 1991): 10—11.
Stephens, Tony. “A Prize That is Something to Write Home About,” Sydney Morning Herald 26 July 1989: 3.
Sullivan, Jane. “True History of a Writer,” Age Saturday Extra 6 October 2001: 3. [Carey on editing and the Australian publishing industry]
Sullivan, Paul. “True Lies, and Other Stories,” Financial Times Magazine [London] 20 September 2003: 26.
Summers, Alison. “Candid Carey,” National Times [Australia] 1 November 1985: 32—33.
Tausky, Thomas. “‘Getting the Corner Right’: An Interview with Peter Carey,” Australian & New Zealand Studies in Canada 4 (1990): 27—38.
Toomey, Philippa. “Peter Carey’s Refreshment,” Times 27 October 1980: 6; repr. as “Fictional Future from Bits, Pieces,” Canberra Times 9 November 1980: 8
Turcotte, Gerry. “Peter Carey: Oscar & Lucinda,” Writers in Action: The Writer’s Choice Evenings, ed. Gerry Turcotte (Sydney: Currency, 1990): 1—23.
Verghis, Sharon. “The Trip Back in Time to Capture Kelly,” Sydney Morning Herald 19 October 200: 18.
Wachtel, Eleanor. “‘We Really Can Make Ourselves Up’: An Interview with Peter Carey,” Australian & New Zealand Studies in Canada 9 (1993): 103—105.
White, Edmund. “Putting the Land of his Mind on the Literary Map,” Sunday Times [London] 20 March 1988: G8—9.
ADD: Wigston, Nancy. “A Respected Outlaw,” Books in Canada 31.1 Winter 2002: 13—15.
Willbanks, Ray. “Peter Carey on The Tax Inspector and The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith,” Antipodes 11.1 (1997): 11—16.
——. “Peter Carey: Interview,” Speaking Volumes: Australian Writers and Their Work. Ray Willbanks (Australian Voices: Writers and Their Work; Ringwood, Victoria: Penguin, 1992): 43—57.
Williamson, David. “Carey’s Triumph: The Dreamtime Goes On,” Sunday Times [London] 28 February 1988: 29.
Williamson, Kirsten. “The Contradictory Character of Peter Carey,” Harper’s Bazaar (Summer 1989): 38.
Woolfe, Sue, & Kate Grenville. “Peter Carey: Oscar and Lucinda,” Making Stories: How Ten Australian Novels Were Written, ed. Kate Grenville & Sue Woolfe (St Leonards, NSW: Allen & Unwin, 1993): 33—58.
Wyndham, Susan. “Peter Carey,” Sydney Morning Herald 29 October 2003: Sydney Magazine 112.
Yallop, Richard. “Carey, the Master of Human Chemistry,” Age 29 October 1988: 16.
3 Biography / Personality Pieces / Notable News Item
Anon. “Carey Travels North for Bliss,” Bulletin 12 April 1988: 127.
Anon. “Peter Carey Shy No More,” West Australian 17 July 1991: 45.
Anon. “Peter Carey ‘Still Delighted,'” Blue News 1 (2001): [ Link» ]. [Faked interview with Carey which caused quite an uproar)
Anon. “Authors Pull out in Award Protest,” Canberra Times 1 March 2003. [About Carey’s withdrawal from Tasmania Pacific Region Prize in protest against logging in old-growth forests]
Attwood, Alan. “Carey on Dickens, the Queen and Ned Kelly,” Sydney Morning Herald 5 June 1998: 13.
——. “Home and Away,” Age 5 June 1998: 11.
Baker, Candida. “Open Book,” Good Weekend [Sydney Morning Herald] 13 January 1990: 42—46; repr. in West Australian Magazine 3 March 1990: 20—21, 23.
Beaton, Hillary. “Editing the Stars,” Courier-Mail 16 March 2002: 7. [On editing True History]
Bock, Andrew. “Loosing the Plot: Peter Carey,” Age 22 May 1999: 6.
Brass, Ken. “Author Who Hadn’t Read a Book Before He Turned 18,” Australian Women’s Weekly 24 December 1980: 20.
Cadzow, Jane. “Choice Words from Booker Hero,” Sydney Morning Herald 24 November 1988: News and Features 13. [Controversy about publication of “A Letter to Our Son” in Australia]
Coe, Jonathan. “The Inspector of Oz,” Guardian [London] 5 September 1991: 26.
Craven, Peter. “Doubting Peter,” Business Review Weekly: Spring Supplement (1991): 47.
——. Sunday Herald 8 April 1990: 35.
Daniel, Helen. “Peter Power,” Independent Monthly [St Lucia, Queensland] 3.1 (July 1991): 39—40.
——. “The Unusual Life of Peter Carey,” Age Saturday Extra 9 September 1994: 9.
Darbyshire, Don. “Don Darbyshire on Peter Carey: Some Fresh Insights,” Australian Book Review 216 (November 1999): 22.
Dougherty, Steve. “Manhattan Transfer,” Who Weekly 6 July 1992: 39—40.
Dudar, Helen. “An Aussie Writer at Home in the Village,” Wall Street Journal 15 January 1992: A10.
Eder, Richard. “The Wild Colonial Boy,” Newsday 31 Oct 1993: 47.
Faulks, Sebastian. “This Time, the Right Book Won,” Age 29 October 1988: 5.
Fuller, Peter. “Carey Gives the Lie to Some Old Lies,” Canberra Times 21 August 1985: 27.
Glover, Richard Conrad. “Peter Carey: From Advertising to Tall Stories,” Age 6 July 1985: 3.
Goldsworthy, Peter. “Very Mixed Bags,” Adelaide Review 59 (1989): 21. [On “A Letter to Our Son”]
Hele, Michelle. “Prize-Winning Carey to Assist City Book Campaign,” Courier-Mail 24 April 2002: 5. [On One Book, One Brisbane campaign]
Hicks, Ian. “For English Eyes Only: The Intimate Life of Peter Carey,” Sydney Morning Herald 10 November 1988: News and Features 1.
Johnston, Chris. “Outspoken Carey Turns on the Coalition of the Chilling,” Age 23 August 2003: 10. [Carey speaking up against recent alliance between Australia and US]
Krauth, Nigel. “Peter Carey: A Portrait of Electricity,” Australian Book Review 133 (August 1991): 18—19.
Levy, Paul. “British Commonwealth’s Best Novelist: An Aussie from New York,” Wall Street Journal 18 October 2001: A24.
McLean, Sandra. “Turning the Publishing Page,” Courier-Mail 25 January 2003: 8. [Carey and his publishers]
Nicci, Gerrard. “It’s a Lottery,” New Statesman 28 October 1988: 8. [Carey and the Booker Prize 1988]
Nicklin, Lenore. “The Writer is an Ad-Man…,” Sydney Morning Herald 13 February 1975: 7.
Polito, Robert. Salon.Com 5 August 2001: [ Link» ]
Riemer, Andrew. “The Creation of Careyland,” Independent Monthly [St Lucia, Queensland] 6.3 (September 1994): 69—70.
Rolfe, Patricia. “An Impatient, Rapacious Reader,” Bulletin 28 July 1992: 90—91.
——. “The Making of Oscar,” Bulletin 23 February 1988: 69.
Sayers, Stuart. “A Particular Bent for the Bizarre,” Age 27 October 1979: 26.
See, Carolyn. “Why Australian Writers Keep Their Heads Down,” New York Times 14 May 1989: 71.
Simpson, Lindsay. “Private Lives: Peter Carey and Alison Summers,” Good Weekend [Sydney Morning Herald] 27 August 1988: 8—9.
Sorensen, Rosemary. “Carey Turns Page With a New Publisher,” Courier-Mail 6 December 2002: 3.
——. “One Book One Brisbane Ready to Roll,” Courier-Mail 10 August 2002: Books 5. [True History in One Book One Brisbane]
Steger, Jason. “Ned Kelly and Me,” Age Saturday Extra 7 October 2000: 9.
——. “Satirical Newsletter Has the Book Trade Laughing — Nervously,” Age 20 May 2002: Culture 3. [The Blue News‘s faked interview with Carey on Moorhouse’s fauilure to win Victorian Premier’s Award]
——. “Writer in Residence,” Age 23 August 2003: Review 1.
Summers, Alison. “The Thin Man in History,” Bulletin 15 November 1988: 156—57.
Symons, Emma—Kate. “Carey Recasts Booker as a ‘Crapshoot,'” Australian 20 August 2003: 5.
Wroe, Nicholas. “Fiction’s Great Outlaw: The Guardian Profile — Peter Carey,” Guardian [London] 6 January 2001: Saturday Pages 6.
Wyndham, Susan. “Peter Carey: An Unusual Life,” Australian Magazine 20 August 1994: 42—46, 48.
——. “The Family Man,” Australian Magazine 14 October 1995: 18.
——. “The Soft Kernel of Hard Nut Ned,” Age 14 October 2000: 6.
——. “Full Stop to Perfect Partnership,” Sydney Morning Herald 7 December 2002: 3. [Carey’s parting with UQP]
4 Criticism
4.1 Short Stories
Scholarly Articles
Ahearne, Kate. “Peter Carey and Short Fiction in Australia,” Going Down Swinging 1 (1980): 7—17.
Bennett, Bruce. “Days of Wine, Rage and ‘The Little Dance’: The 1970s,” Australian Short Fiction: A History, ed. Bruce Bennett (St Lucia: U of Queensland P, 2002): 179—224.
——. “Australian Experiments in Short Fiction,” World Literature Written in English 15.2 (1976): 359—66.
Bisutti, Francesca. “The Factory of Invention: Peter Carey’s Real Fictions,” in Saggi e Ricerche Sulle Culture Extraeuropee, ed. Giuseppe Bellini, Claudio Gorlier & Sergio Zoppi (Rome: Bulzoni, 1986): 61—68.
Callahan, David. “Whose History is the Fat Man’s? Peter Carey’s The Fat Man in History,” SPAN: Journal of the South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies 40 (1995): 34—53.
Clunies Ross, Bruce. “Laszlo’s Testament; or, Structuring the Past and Sketching the Present in Contemporary Short Fiction, Mainly Australian,” Kunapipi 1.2 (1979): 110—23.
——. “Some Developments in Short Fiction, 1969—1980,” Australian Literary Studies 10.2 (1981): 165—80.
Gelder, Ken. “Uncertainty and Subversion in the Australian Novel: Recent Fiction in a Framework,” Pacific Quarterly Moana 4.4 (1979): 437—44.
Hunter, Linnet. “Fantabulous and Fantastic,” Weekend Australian 26 April 1997: Review 7.
Ikin, Van. “Peter Carey: The Stories,” Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Literature 1.1 (1977): 19—29.
Johinke, Rebecca. “Misogyny, Muscles and Machines: Cars and Masculinity in Australian Literature,” in Contemporary Issues in Australian Literature, ed. David Callahan (London: Cass, 2002): 95—111.
Jose, Nicholas. “Possibilities of Love in Recent Australian Short Stories,” Island Magazine 20 (1984): 30—33.
Manning, Greg. “Reading Lesson: ‘The Fat Man in History’: Teaching and Deconstructive Practice,” SPAN: Journal of the South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies 21 (1985): 38—55.
Pana, Irina Grigorescu. The Tomis Complex: Exile and Eros in Australian Literature (Bern: Peter Lang, 1996); repr. [excerpt] as “The Tomis Complex: Versions of Exile in Australian Literature,” World Literature Today 67.3 (1993): 523—32. [Discusses “American Dreams”]
Pons, Xavier. “Weird Tales: Peter Carey’s Short Stories;” Telling Stories: Postcolonial Short Fiction in English (Cross/Cultures 47; Rodopi: Amsterdam, 2001): 391—407.
Ryan—Fazilleau, Suzan. “One-Upmanship in Peter Carey’s Short Stories,” Journal of the Short Story in English 16 (1991): 51—63.
Tate, Trudi. “Unravelling the Feminine: Peter Carey’s ‘Peeling,'” Meanjin 46.3 (1987): 394—99.
Webby, Elizabeth. “The Long March of Short Fiction: A Seventies Retrospective,” Meanjin 39.1 (1980): 127—33.
4.2 The Fat Man in History
Ackroyd, Peter. “Galactic Races,” Sunday Times [London] 19 October 1980: 42. [Rev. of 1980 Faber edition]
Adamson, Robert. “Maps for Possible Films,” Australian 21 September 1974: 43.
Anon. “What the New Novels are Really Like,” Bulletin 28 September 1974: 46—47.
Anon. Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Literature 4.1 (1982): 45. [Rev. of Exotic Pleasures]
Epps, Garrett. Washington Post 11 September 1980: D13. [Rev. of Exotic Pleasures]
Gilbey, David. “Experiments in Narrative,” Southerly 37.4 (1977): 461—74.
Gillen, Paul. In The Good Reading Guide, ed. Helen Daniel (Melbourne: McPhee Gribble, 1989): 38.
Green, William. Westerly 19.4 (1975): 73—76.
Harrison—Ford, Carl. “New Australian Fiction,” Stand Magazine 16.3 (1975): 40—44.
Kermode, Frank. “Knowing,” London Review of Books 3.22—23 (1981): 17. [Rev. of Exotic Pleasures]
Kiernan, Brian. “Short Story Chronicle: 1974,” Meanjin 34.1 (1975): 34—39.
——. “The New Wave of Short Story Writers,” National Times [Australia] 2 August 1976: 36—37.
Kinross—Smith, Graeme. In The Good Reading Guide, ed. Helen Daniel (Melbourne: McPhee Gribble, 1989): 38—39.
Lewis, Peter. “From Underground,” Times Literary Supplement 31 October 1980: 1240. [Rev. of 1980 Faber edition].
Lucas, Robin. “A Whole in One, by Jeeves!” Sydney Morning Herald 22 September 1990: Reviews 76.
Lurie, Morris. Nation Review 29 November 1974: 204. [One of the most dismissive reviews of any of Carey’s fictions]
MacLeod, N.J. “Organism or Alienation,” Makar 10.3 (1975): 41—43.
McConchie, Rod. “The Trendy and the True,” Overland 60 (1975): 83—85.
Mellors, John. “Secret Dreams,” London Magazine 20.8—9 (1980): 116—17. [Rev. of 1980 Faber edition].
Page, Geoff. “An Ambiguous Kind of Fantasy,” Canberra Times 7 February 1975: 9.
Philip, Neil. British Book News (February 1981): 117.
Rogers, Michael. “Classic Returns,” Library Journal [New York] 1 April 1993: 136.
Rose, Douglas. “Curious and Fantastic,” Courier-Mail 19 October 1974: 17.
Sen, Veronica. “Finding Affection and Attachment When Orthodox Love is Withheld,” Sunday Times [Canberra] 11 April 1999: 18.
Stewart, Douglas. “Promising First Fruits,” Sydney Morning Herald 19 October 1974: 13.
Sutherland, John. “Division Street,” Times Literary Supplement 9 April 1976: 445.
Thompson, Paul. “Murky Spaces,” New Statesman [London] 24 October 1980: 26. [Rev. of 1980 Faber edition]
Van Schaik, Pam. UNISA English Studies 19.2 (1981): 53. [Rev. of 1980 Faber edition]
Vines, David. Blacksmith: A Magazine of Literature and the Arts 2 (1975): 54.
Wood, Marilyn. National Times [Australia] 21 October 1974: 25.
4.3 War Crimes
Anon. “The Vulture,” Australian Magazine 19 April 1997: 10.
Burns, David Robert. “Tales of Imagination and Realistic Horror,” Australian Book Review 19 (1980): 20—21.
Clancy, Laurie. “A Year of Varietals,” Overland 84 (1981): 26—30.
Clunies Ross, Bruce. Kunapipi 3.2 (1981): 148—51.
De Joggins, Samuel. Time Off [University of Queensland Students Union] 49 (1979): 29.
Dutton, Geoffrey. “A ‘Crime’ that is Utter Creativity,” Bulletin 4 December 1979: 66—67.
England, Katharine. “Stories to Make You Shiver,” Advertiser 22 December 1979: 17.
Fabre, Michel. “Vignettes,” CRNLE Reviews Journal 1 May 1980: 72—76.
Halligan, Marion. “Stories For Running The Emotional Gamut,” Canberra Times 22 December 1979: 13.
Heseltine, Harry. In The Good Reading Guide, ed. Helen Daniel (Melbourne: McPhee Gribble, 1989): 39.
Hughes, Karen. “Sweat-Filled Nights in a Mad World,” Weekend Australian Magazine 1 December 1979: 12.
Johnston, Elizabeth. “Love Forms the Basis for War Crimes,” Australian 2 October 1981: 10.
Legasse, Jim. Westerly 25.2 (1980): 122—24.
Neilsen, Philip. Image 3.4 (1979): 52—53.
Neville, Jill. “Written in Rage,” Sydney Morning Herald 13 October 1979: 46.
Paris, J. Campaign 48 (1979): 31.
Pierce, Peter. “Future Nightmare,” National Times [Australia] 10 November 1979: 46.
Radic, Leonard. “Letter to the Editor,” Age 31 January 1980: 10.
Riddell, Elizabeth. “Carey’s Short Stories,” 24 Hours 4.11 (1979): 79.
Stretton, Andrea. The Good Reading Guide, ed. Helen Daniel (Melbourne: McPhee Gribble, 1989): 39.
Tittensor, John. “Crimes in the Name of Art,” Age 19 January 1980: 26.
——. “Letter to the Editor,” Age 5 February 1980: 10.
4.4 Collected Stories
Bliss, Carolyn. World Literature Today 70.3 (1996): 757.
May, Derwent. “He Kills His Creatures for Sport,” Times [London] 24 August 1995: 33.
Sage, Lorna. “Artist from a Distant Planet,” Times Literary Supplement 18 August 1995: 19.
4.5 Bliss
4.5.1 Reviews
Anon. New Yorker 23 August 1982: 92.
Barnes, Rory. “Salvation on Bog Onion Road,” National Times [Australia] 11 October 1981: 42.
Burns, Graham. “Romantic Pursuits,” Australian Book Review 41 (1982): 27—29.
Carter, David. In The Good Reading Guide, ed. Helen Daniel (Melbourne: McPhee Gribble, 1989): 40.
Chettle, Judith. “Paradise Lost and Found,” Washington Post Book World 2 May 1982: 8.
Cooke, Judy. “Paradise;” New Statesman [London] 20 November 1981: 22.
Durrant, Digby. “Colonial Capers,” London Magazine 21.11 (1982): 97—98.
England, Katharine. “Harry, Hell and Blissful Barbara,” Advertiser 24 October 1981: 25.
Gelder, Ken. “Bliss and Punishment,” CRNLE Reviews Journal 3 (1983): 46—48.
Halligan, Marion, “Archetypal Characters and Black Humour,” Canberra Times 16 January 1982: 16.
Jenkins, Jacky. Artlook: The West Australian Arts Newspaper 9.5 (1983): 49.
Jillett, Neil. “A Flamboyantly Stylish Invitation to Seduction,” Age 19 September 1985: 14.
Kermode, Frank, “Knowing,” London Review of Books 3.22—23 (1981): 17.
King, Francis. “Suburban Inferno,” Spectator 12 December 1981: 21.
MacDonald, Mary. Canberra Times 23 October 1985: 31. [Rev. of Bliss, the film]
——. “At Last, a Local Product that Shines,” Courier-Mail 2 November 1985: 9. [Rev. of Bliss, the film]
McKernan, Susan. “Recent Fiction,” Overland 88 (1982): 56—59.
Neilsen, Philip. “Moral Fable of a Good Bloke,” Image 5.1 (1981): 21—22.
Neville, Jill. “Carey Leaps Crannies in a Single Bound,” Sydney Morning Herald 10 October 1981: 44.
Pierce, Peter. “Finding Their Range: Some Recent Australian Novels,” Meanjin 40.4 (1981): 522—528.
Philip, Neil. British Book News (May 1982): 320.
Riddell, Elizabeth. “Short Story Writer Makes It as Novelist,” Bulletin 6 October 1981: 68.
Roberts, Mark. “Peter Carey’s First Novel,” Going Down Swinging 5 (1982): 69-72.
Ryle, John. “Magic and Poison,” Times Literary Supplement 20 November 1981: 1350.
Shepard, Richard F. “‘Bliss,’ Australian Everyman Tale,” New York Times 4 October 1985. [Review of Bliss, the film]
Smith, Margaret. “Marvellous Moment in Hell,” Weekend Australian Magazine 7 November 1981: 12.
Stewart, Annette. “Unpneumatic Bliss,” Quadrant 26.6 (June 1982): 87—88.
Tranter, John. “Hell Without Logic Loses Credibility,” Age 3 October 1981: 27.
Williams, Evan. “The Living Hell of Harry Joy,” Weekend Australian Magazine 14 September 1985: 13.
4.5.2 Articles and Essays
Anderson, Don. Introduction, in Bliss: The Film, ed. Peter Carey & Ray Lawrence (London: Faber & Faber, 1986): 9—22.
Hassall, Anthony J. “Telling Lies and Stories: Peter Carey’s Bliss,” Modern Fiction Studies 35 (1989): 637—53.
Hecq, Dominique. “Myth-Taken Paths and Exits in Peter Carey’s Bliss,” Commonwealth: Essays and Studies 18.2 (1996): 99—103.
Riem, Antonella. “Harry Joy’s Children: The Art of Story Telling in Peter Carey’s Bliss,” Australian Literary Studies 16.3 (1994): 341—47.
4.6 Illywhacker
4.6.1 Reviews
Barkham, John. American Review 18 August 1985: 16.
Boyd, William. “Tissue of Lies,” Guardian [London] 18 April 1985: 38.
Captain McCrae and Captain Call. “Briefly Noted,” New Yorker 11 November 1985: 154, 156.
Clancy, Laurie. “Some Beautiful Lies,” Australian Book Review 200 (1998): 15—16.
——. “Some Beautiful Lies: Our History Mythologised,” Australian Book Review 73 (1985): 14—15.
Daniel, Helen. “Tangles of Dream and Deception,” Top Shelf: Supplement to Australian Book Review (1991): 21.
Dutton, Geoffrey. “Unlocking the Showman’s ‘Beautiful Lies,'” Bulletin 16 July 1985: 90.
——. In The Good Reading Guide, ed. Helen Daniel (Melbourne: McPhee Gribble, 1989): 40.
Duwell, Martin. “The Lie of the Land,” Overland 101 (1985): 92—94.
England, Katharine. “Against All Odds: A Celebration,” Advertiser Saturday Review 6 July 1985: 7.
——. In The Good Reading Guide, ed. Helen Daniel (Melbourne: McPhee Gribble, 1989): 40.
Flanagan, Joan. “A Book Devoted to a Distant Liaison,” Age 26 April 1986: 11.
Goldsworthy, Peter. “The Novella in Illywacker,” Island Magazine 24 (1985): 56—57.
Graeber, Laurel. New York Times Book Review 10 November 1996: 68. [Review of paperback edition]
Halligan, Marion. “Peter Carey’s Palace of Delights,” Canberra Times 24 August 1985: B2.
Hanrahan, John. “A Dealer in Dreams, Visions, Images and Lies,” Age Saturday Extra 6 July 1985: 14.
——. “Abbreviations,” Australian Book Review 73 (August 1985): 39.
Herbert, Hugh. “After Writing About Hell, Carey Turns to Australia,” National Times [Australia] 26 April 1985: 31.
Hislop, Andrew. “Whoppers and Warnings,” Times Literary Supplement 3 May 1985: 492.
Hutchinson, Paul. Library Journal [New York] 110.13 (1985): 113.
Ikin, Van. “Mixed Blessings,” Phoenix Review 1 (1986): 125—27.
Jacobson, Howard. “Dirty Very Old Man,” New York Times Book Review 17 November 1985: 15.
Leavis, Robin & Jos Blom. English Studies 67.5 (1986): 437.
Lewis, Peter. “Ratbags and Others,” London Magazine 25.1—2 (1985): 148—152.
Lewis, Peter. Stand Magazine 26.3 (1985): 51—56
Lewis, Roger. “Fairy Tales,” New Statesman [London] 19 April 1985: 32—34.
Masters, Olga. Fremantle Arts Review 1.1 (January 1986): 12—13; repr. in Olga Masters, Reporting Home: Her Writings as a Journalist, ed. Deirdre Coleman (St Lucia: U of Queensland P, 1990): 103—106.
Mellors, John. “Unhappy Women,” New Zealand Listener 25 April 1985: 27.
Miller, Faren. Locus: The Magazine of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Field 18.9 (1985): 17.
Mitchell, Adrian. “Weaving a Tangled Web of Lovely Lies,” Weekend Australian Magazine 6 July 1985: 15.
Nicholson, John. “Aussie Conmen, Tuscan Trendies,” Times [London] 18 April 1985: 20.
O’Conner, Patricia T. New York Times 7 September 1986: 36.
Phillips, Arthur Angell. “True Lies: Peter Carey’s Two Novels,” Age Monthly Review 5.4 (1985): 3—4.
Pierce, Peter. “I Dips me Lid to a Glorious Vagabond,” National Times [Australia] 5 July 1985: 30.
Profumo, David. “Beating About the Bush,” Books & Bookmen 355 (1985): 35.
Rapp, Martin. Travel & Leisure 26.7 (July 1996): 114.
Roff, Sue. Newsletter of the AAALS 2.1 (1988): 10.
See, Carolyn. “The Literary Wonders Down Under,” Los Angeles Times 20 February 1986: 22.
Semmler, Clement. “Carey: An Outrageous Talent,” Courier-Mail 27 July 1985: 37.
Sexton, David. “Australian Whopper,” Financial Times 18 May 1985: I 16.
Smelt, Phillip. British Book News (June 1985): 361.
Spice, Nicholas. “Phattbookia Stupenda,” London Review of Books 18 April 1985: 20—21.
Steinberg, Sybil. “Illywhacker,” Publishers Weekly 31 May 1985: 47.
Stewart, Annette. “Peter Carey’s Illywhacker,” Quadrant 29.12 (December 1985): 86—87.
Suplee, Curt. “Con Man of the Outback,” Washington Post Book World 18 August 1985: 1, 14.
Taylor, D.J. “Down Under with Waltzing Jane: Australia in Fiction,” Encounter 65.3 (1985): 51—54.
Teerds, John. “Using Imagination — For Lies or Freedom?” Sunday Mail [Queensland] 21 July 1985: 36.
Thorne, Tim. In The Good Reading Guide, ed. Helen Daniel (Melbourne: McPhee Gribble, 1989): 40—41.
Trundle, Peter. “A Book Full of Tricksters,” Courier-Mail 16 July 1985: 5.
Webby, Elizabeth. “Illywhacker: A Great Short Story Trapped in a Fat Novel,” Sydney Morning Herald 13 July 1985: 47.
4.6.2 Articles, Essays and Chapters in Books
Adam, Ian. “Illywhacker and The Prowler: Settler Society Response to Ideas of History,” Australian & New Zealand Studies in Canada 12 (1994): 1—10.
Antor, Heinz. “Australian Lies and the Mapping of a New World: Peter Carey’s Illywhacker (1985) as a Postmodern Postcolonial Novel,” Anglistik: Mitteilungen des Verbandes Deutscher Anglisten 9.1 (1998): 155—78.
Blaber, Ronald, & Marvin Gilman. Illywhacker, in Roguery: The Picaresque Tradition in Australian, Canadian and Indian Fiction (Springwood, NSW: Butterfly, 1990): 55—60.
Burns, David Robert. “Feasibility Through Fictional Ploys: Peter Carey’s Accord with Stephen Potter,” Overland 137 (1994): 39—44.
Daniel, Helen. “‘The Liar’s Lump’ or ‘A Salesman’s Sense of History’: Peter Carey’s Illywhacker,” Southerly 46.2 (1986): 157—67.
Durix, Jean—Pierre. “Peter Carey,” in An Introduction to the New Literatures in English (Paris: Longman France, 1993): 76—78.
Edwards, Brian. “Deceptive Constructions: The Art of Building in Peter Carey’s Illywhacker,” Australian & New Zealand Studies in Canada 4 (1990): 39—56.
Fletcher, M.D. “Peter Carey’s Post-Colonial Australia I: Illywhacker: Lies, Dependence, and Political History,” in Australian Political Ideas, ed. Geoffrey Stokes (Kensington, NSW: U of New South Wales P, 1994): 134—41.
Gebhardt, Gloria. “Ahasverus on the Walkabout: The Motif of the Wandering Jew in Contemporary Australian Fiction,” Antipodes 16.1 (2002): 11—16. [Discusses Illywhacker and other contemporary Australian novels]
Grenville, Kate. “From the Getting of Wisdom to Illywhacker: The Library and Our Literary Heritage,” in Living Together: Proceedings of the 25th LAA Conference (Sydney: Library Association of Australia, 562—81); repr. in Australian Library Journal (February 1989): 55—69.
Lobe, Cliff. “Reading the ‘remembered world’: Carceral Architecture and Cultural Mnemonics in Peter Carey’s Illywhacker,” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 35.4 (2002): 17—34.
McCluskey, Phil. “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the Outback: Contextualising a Structural Magic Realism,” SPAN: Journal of the South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies 36 (1993): 88—94.
Monaghan, Peter. “Illywhacker,” Masterplots II: British and Commonwealth Fiction Series, ed. Frank N. Magill (Pasadena CA: Salem, 1987): 794—98.
Ommundsen, Wenche. “Narrative Navel-Gazing: Or How to Recognise a Metafiction When You See One,” Southern Review 22.3 (1989): 264—73.
Rowan, Leonie. Peter Carey’s “Illywhacker”: An Analysis of the Novel as a Work of Metafiction (Brisbane: Leonie Rowan, 1989).
Ryan, Susan. “Metafiction in Illywhacker: Peter Carey’s Renovated Picaresque Novel,” Commonwealth 14.1 (1991): 33—40.
Schmidt—Haberkamp, Barbara. “Wider den Pauschaltourismus der Literatur: Peter Careys australisches Panoptikum Illywhacker,” AAA: Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 17.1 (1992): 71—82.
Sharrad, Paul. “Responding to the Challenge: Peter Carey and the Reinvention of Australia,” SPAN: Journal of the South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies 25 (1987): 37—46.
Thwaites, Tony. “More Tramps at Home: Seeing Australian First,” Meanjin 46.3 (1987): 400—409.
Todd, Richard. “Narrative Trickery and Performative Historiography: Fictional Representation of National Identity in Graham Swift, Peter Carey, and Mordecai Richler,” in Magical Realism: Theory, History, Community, ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora & Wendy B. Faris (Durham: Duke UP, 1995): 305—28.
4.7 Oscar and Lucinda
4.7.1 Reviews
Ackerley, Chris. “Oscar and Lucinda by Peter Carey,” Landfall 44.1 (1990): 94.
Anderson, Don. “Peter Carey Does a Wonderful Thing,” Sydney Morning Herald 20 February 1988: 71; repr. in Don Anderson, Real Opinions: Polemical and Popular Writings (Ringwood, Victoria: McPhee Gribble, 1992): 117—19.
Bainbridge, Beryl. New York Times Book Review 29 May 1988: 1, 2.
Beston, John B. Choice [US] October 1988: 310.
Bradfield, Scott. Times Educational Supplement 8 September 1989: 33.
Brady, Veronica. In The Good Reading Guide, ed. Helen Daniel (Melbourne: McPhee Gribble, 1989): 41.
Brunet, Elena. “Current Paperbacks: Oscar & Lucinda by Peter Carey,” Los Angeles Times Book Review 11 June 1989: 12.
Busch, Frederick. “Oscar & Lucinda: Victorian Adventure Offers Thrills, Heartbreak, Comedy,” Chicago Tribune 19 June 1988: 1, 11.
Butler, Robert W. “‘Oscar and Lucinda’: Strange but Spellbinding, This Brave Drama Offers Characters Whose Only Charm is Eccentricity,” Kansas City Star 20 February 1998: 5.
Carmen, Greg. “Bellinger Valley Focus of Carey’s Bestseller,” Coffs Harbour Advocate 3 June 1988: 32.
Carter, Angela. “Oscar for Envy,” Guardian [London] 1 April 1988: B14.
Charlton, Peter. “A Lengthy Assault on the Imagination,” Courier-Mail 27 February 1988: 6.
Clark, Mike. “There are no Sparks Flying Between ‘Oscar and Lucinda,'” USA Today 31 December 1997: D2 [Rev. of Oscar and Lucinda, the film].
Craven, Peter. “Peter Craven Reviews the Film of Oscar and Lucinda,” Australian Book Review 198 (1998): 25—26.
Craven, Peter. “Second Look: Oscar and Lucinda (1988), by Peter Carey,” Sunday Age 6 February 2000: 10.
Diwell, Stuart. “Carey’s Fine Epic Flawed but Style is Truly Amazing,” Mercury [Hobart] 16 April 1988: 18.
Dyer, Geoff. “The Long, Long Love Affair,” New Statesman [London] 1 April 1988: 28.
Edmond, Rod. “From The Victorian to the Post-Colonial Novel,” Australian Studies 3 (1989): 88—95.
England, Katharine. “A Triumph of Audacity over Incongruity,” Advertiser 20 February 1988: A8.
Enright, D.J. “People in Glass Churches,” Listener 31 Mar 1988: 29.
Gleeson, Shenagh. “Classic Carey Well Worth Waiting for,” Waikato Times 2 July 1988: 19.
Glendinning, Victoria. “Love/Luck in Oz,” Times [London] 31 March 1988:
Graeber, Laurel. “Belief, the Ultimate Gamble,” New York Times Book Review 29 May 1988: BR19.
Gray, Paul. “The Joys of Glass and Gambling,” Time 13 June 1988: 75—76.
Gross, John. “Child of Chance: How Pudding Led to Priesthood,” New York Times Book Review 24 May 1988: C20.
Grundmann, Pierre. “La passion selon Carey,” Libération 3 November 1988: 22.
Harris, Margaret. “Eminent Victorians?” Southerly 49.1 (1989): 109—13.
Hunter, Sharon. “Gambling for Everything,” Press [New Zealand] 9 April 1988: 15.
Jacobs, Lyn. “A Master Craftsman in Control,” CRNLE Reviews Journal 2 (1987—88): 89—94.
Jacobson, Howard. “A Wobbly Odyssey,” Weekend Australian Magazine 20 February 1988: 13.
Jurrist, Charles. “Peter Carey’s Novel Does Justice to Oscar & Lucinda,” Antipodes 2.2 (1988): 127—28.
Kemp, Peter. “Relishing the Random, Overturning Certainties,” Sunday Times [London] 27 March 1988: G8.
King, Francis. “Edmund Gosse Goes to Australia,” Spectator 2 April 1988: 32—33.
Lee, Hermione. “Duo Down Under,” Observer 27 Mar 1988: 42.
Liverani, Mary Rose. “Books for Our Time,” Overland 110 (1988): 70—72.
McWilliams, Tom. “Bet on It”, New Zealand Listener 30 April 1988: 66.
Marsh, Pamela. “Tale of Obsession Set in Victorian Australia,” Christian Science Monitor 6 June 1988: 20.
Maslin, Janet. “A Bashful Fiennes and a Vivid Heiress in a Quirky Tale,” New York Times 31 December 1997: E5. [Rev. of Oscar and Lucinda, the film]
Moran, Rod. Fremantle Arts Review 3.8 (August 1988): 15.
Nelson, Penelope. In The Good Reading Guide, ed. Helen Daniel (Melbourne: McPhee Gribble, 1989): 41.
Nelson, Penelope. “Nostalgia Wry and Vivid,” Australian Weekend Magazine 3 September 1988: 14.
Neville, Jill. “Sparkling Granite in a Great Tradition,” Times [London] 30 October 1988: B19.
O’Hearn, Dinny. “Plotting 2: A Quarterly Account of Recent Fiction,” Overland 114 (1989): 52—57.
Ommundsen, Wenche. “Historical Fabrications and Home Truths,” Different Perspectives [Supplement to Mattoid] 31.1 (1988): 73—76.
Ord, Bill. Sunday Mail 21 February 1988: 26.
Pierce, Peter. “Generous Embrace of Hope-Filled Days,” Age 20 February 1988: 11.
Porter, Peter. “Puritan Gambles,” Daily Telegraph [London] 26 October 1988: 18.
Reid, Stuart. “Honest Oscar,” Sunday Telegraph [London] 27 March 1988: 14.
Richey, Norma Jean. World Literature Today 63.3 (1989): 534—35.
Riddell, Elizabeth. “Desire, Gambling and Glass,” Australian Book Review 98 (1988): 14—15.
Roberts, Mark. In The Good Reading Guide, ed. Helen Daniel (Melbourne: McPhee Gribble, 1989): 41—42.
——. “Carey Builds His Stature on a Glass Church,” Canberra Times 14 February 1988: 32.
Russell, Keith. “Carey’s Patchy Brilliance,” Newcastle Herald 19 March 1988: 10.
Sage, Lorna. “Backwards Into Destiny,” Times Literary Supplement 1 April 1988: 363.
See, Carolyn. “A Dance to the Music of Eternity,” Los Angeles Times Book Review 19 June 1988: 2.
Seymour, Miranda. “Marvellous Jigsaw,” Evening Standard [London] 7 April 1988: 29.
Seymour—Smith, Martin. “Antipodean Romp,” Financial Times [London] 19 March 1988: 22.
Slavin, John. “Glass Bead Game: Peter Carey’s 19th Century Novel,” Age Monthly Review (October 1988): 5—6.
Stead, C. K. “Careyland,” Scripsi 5.2 (1989): 3—8.
Steinberg, Sybil S. Publishers Weekly 29 April 1988: 66.
——. Publishers Weekly 1 December 1997: 45. [Rev. of Oscar and Lucinda, the film].
St John, Edward. Magill’s Literary Annual (1989): 626—29.
Stewart, Annette. “The Booker Prize,” Quadrant 32.12 (December 1988): 66—67.
Stoyle, Rosemary, “A Writer Whose Light Shines Forth Among Men,” Literary Review [London] (April 1988): 5.
Taylor, D.J. “Stained Glass,” Independent [London] 31 March 1988: 12.
Taylor, Paul. “A Winning Hand,” Punch 1 April 1988: 53.
Thomas, Mark. “Energy, Invention Swamped by Detail,” Canberra Times 27 February 1988: B2.
Trefely—Deutch, Maria. “Oscar and Lucinda, Sidney and Les,” Phoenix Review 3 (1988): 99—101.
Walters, Margaret. “You Bet Your Life,” London Review of Books 21 Apr. 1988: 20.
White, Judith. “Glass Church in a Penal Colony,” Sun Herald [Australia] 7 February 1988: 114.
Wilhelmus, Tom. “Knowing,” Hudson Review 41.3 (1988): 548—556.
Windsor, Gerard. “Peter Carey’s Old-Fashioned Special Effects,” Bulletin 23 February 1988: 69—70.
Younis, Raymond Aaron. “In Review: Oscar and Lucinda,” Cinema Papers 123 (1998): 36—37. [On Oscar and Lucinda, the film]
4.7.2 Articles and Essays
Ashcroft, Bill. “A Prophetic Vision of the Past: History and Allegory in Peter Carey’s Oscar and Lucinda,” On Post-Colonial Futures: Transformations of Colonial Culture (New York: Continuum, 2001): 128—39.
Beer, Gillian. “The Reader’s Wager: Lots, Sorts and Futures,” Essays in Criticism 40.2 (1990): 99—123.
Brown, Ruth. “English Heritage and Australian Culture: The Church and Literature of England in Oscar and Lucinda,” Australian Literary Studies 17.2 (1995): 135—40.
Callahan, David. “Peter Carey’s Oscar and Lucinda and the Subversion of Subversion,” Australian Studies 4 (1990): 20—26.
——. Callahan, David. “Peter Carey’s Oscar and Lucinda and the Uses of Literary Power,” in Actas do X Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo Americanos, ed. Anthony Barker, Maria Aline Salgueiro Seabra Ferreira & David Callahan (Aveiro, Portugal: University of Aveiro, 1989): 101—109.
Da Silva, Matthew. “Peter Carey’s Oscar and Lucinda,” Outrider 6.2 (1989): 148—59.
During, Simon. “Literary Subjectivity,” in Current Tensions: Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference: 6—11 July 1996, ed. Sharyn Pearce & Philip Neilsen (Brisbane: Queensland U of Technology, 1996): 1—12; repr. in ARIEL 31.1—2 (2000): 33—50.
Fletcher, M.D. “Peter Carey’s Post-Colonial Australia II: Oscar and Lucinda: Misunderstanding, Victimisation, and Political History,” Australian Political Ideas, ed. Geoffrey Stokes (Kensington, NSW: U of New South Wales P, 1994): 143—51.
Genoni, Paul. “Subverting the Empire: Exploration in the Fiction of Thea Astley and Peter Carey,” Journal of Australian Studies (2000): 13—21; 151—52.
Hassall, Anthony J. “The Weatherboard Cathedral: Images of the Church in Peter Carey’s Oscar and Lucinda,” in Essays in Honour of Keith Val Sinclair: An Australian Collection of Modern Language Studies, ed. Bruce Merry (Townsville: James Cook UP, 1991): 193—200.
Huggan, Graham. “Is the (Günter) Grass Greener on the Other Side? Oskar and Lucinde in the New World,” World Literature Written in English 30.1 (1990): 1—10.
Irvine, Andrew. “Essence and Excrescence: Suggestions of Aboriginality in Some Recent Australian Writing,” Hermes Papers (1990): 32—37. [References to Oscar and Lucinda]
Lane, Dorothy. “‘Deliver their land from Error’s chain’: Conversion, Convictism, and Captivity in Australian Fiction,” in Mapping the Sacred: Religion, Geography and Postcolonial Literatures, ed. Jamie S. Scott & Paul Simpson—Housley (Cross/Cultures 48; Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2001): 92—108.
Maya, Dutt. “Narrative with a Post-Modern Vision: A Reading of Peter Carey’s Oscar and Lucinda,” in New Directions in Australian Studies: Papers of the Inaugural Conference of the Asian Association for the Study of Australia (AASA), “Creative Configurations,” Kerala, India (1997), ed. Cynthia Vanden Driesen & Adrian Mitchell (New Delhi: Prestige, 2000): 427—34.
McCredden, Lyn. “Discourses of Vocation in Peter Carey’s Oscar and Lucinda,” in Australian Literature and the Public Sphere: Refereed Proceedings of the 1998 [ASAL] Conference, ed. Alison Bartlett, Robert Dixon & Christopher Lee (Toowoomba, Queensland: Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 1999): 142—50.
Muecke, Stephen. “Wide Open Spaces: Horizontal Readings of Australian Literature,” New Literatures Review 16 (1988): 1—17.
Nünning, Ansgar. “‘The Empire had not been built by choirboys’: Zur revisionistischen Darstellung australischer Kolonialgeschichte in Peter Carey’s Oscar and Lucinda,” Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 27.3 (1994): 171—87.
Petersen, Kirsten Holst. “Gambling on Reality: A Reading of Peter Carey’s Oscar and Lucinda,” Australian Literary Studies 15.2 (1991): 107—16.
Strauss, Jennifer. “Empire, History and Other Grand Illusions in Peter Carey’s Oscar and Lucinda,” in Aspects of Commonwealth Literature, vol. 1, ed. Elizabeth Gunner (Collected Seminar Papers 39; London: University of London, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, 1990): 97—107.
Strongman, Luke. “Colonial Folly: Peter Carey’s Oscar and Lucinda (1988),” in The Booker Prize and the Legacy of Empire (Cross/Cultures 54; Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002): 93—99.
Younis, Raymond Aaron. “Apropos the Last ‘Post-‘: Contemporary Literature, Theory and Interpretation,” in Religion, Literature and the Arts in Australia, ed. Michael Griffith (Strathfield, NSW: Department of Literature and Languages, Australian Catholic University, 1994): 348—58.
4.8 The Tax Inspector
4.8.1 Reviews
Anon. Kirkus Reviews 1 November 1991: 13.
Anon. New Yorker 24 February 1992: 101.
Anon. Townsville Bulletin 26 July 1991: 112.
Anthony, Susan. “The Tax Inspector as Hero,” Bulletin 2 July 1991: 18.
Bell, Pearl K. Partisan Review 59.2 (1992): 282—95.
Brady, Veronica. “Birth, Death and Taxes,” Overland 125 (1991): 80—83.
Burke, Anthony. “Carey’s Thwarted Dreams,” Editions: The New Monthly Australian Review of Books 12 (Spring 1991): 22—23.
Carter, Angela. “Only a Surface Paradise,” Guardian [London] 29 August 1991: B7.
Charlton, Peter, “Colonial-Life Laureate Turns Tough Eye on Modern Age,” Courier-Mail 8 August 1991: 12.
Clancy, Laurie. “Brilliant Episodes,” Australian Society 10.8 (1991): 38—39.
Coe, Jonathan. “Australian Circles,” London Review of Books 12 September 1991: 12.
Cook, Bruce. “Misfits and Eccentrics: Peter Carey’s Tale of a Most Peculiar Australian Family,” Chicago Tribune 5 January 1992: 1.
Craig, Jen. “The Real Thing,” Southerly 52.1 (1992): 152—156.
Cryer, Dan. “Domestic Desolation in an Australian Suburb,” 6 January 1992: 38.
Daniel, Helen. “The Tax Inspector and the Gremlins,” Age 27 July 1991: 9.
Disch, Thomas M. “Antipodean Gothic,” Washington Post Book World 2 February 1992: X1.
Eder, Richard. “Titans of the Junkyard,” Los Angeles Times Book Review 29 December 1991: 3, 8.
Edwards, Brian. “Returning to Hell,” Mattoid 41.3 (1991): 149—54.
Elkin, Peter Kingsley. “Gelignite Granny,” Northern Perspective 16.1 (1993): 117—18.
Floyd, Chris. SPAN: Journal of the South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies 33 (1992): 177—81.
Giese, Diana. “Diving Deep into the Dreams of Damaged Lives,” Weekend Australian 27 July 1991: Review Pages 4.
Glendinning, Victoria. “Angels on the Urban Junkheap,” Times 5 September 1991: 14.
Glover, Richard Conrad. “Peter Carey’s Sydney Babylon,” Sydney Morning Herald 27 July 1991: 35.
——. “The Dark Side of Sydney,” World Press Review 38.11 (1991): 57.
Gough, Sue. “Savage Mark by Carey,” Courier-Mail 27 July 1991: 7.
Graeber, Laurel. “The Tax Inspector,” New York Times Book Review 28 February 1993: 32.
Gray, Paul. “Australia’s Family Ties,” Time 20 January 1992: 51—52.
Hawker, Philippa. “Carey’s Contemporary Angels Have the Potential for Destruction,” Australian Book Review 133 (1991): 15—17.
Henderson, David W. Library Journal [New York] 117.1 (1992): 170.
Holliday, Barbara. “Moral Transformations,” Detroit Free Press 12 January 1992: 32.
Holloway, David. Weekend Telegraph [London] 31 August 1991: 30.
Hosmer, Robert E. “A Richly Comic Tale of Australia,” Boston Globe 12 January 1992: B43.
Hugo, Giles. “This Madness Needs the Sanity Put Back Into It,” Mercury [Hobart] 27 July 1991: 20.
Johnson, Rob. “Carey Shows His Brilliance — in Parts,” Advertiser 3 August 1991: 108.
Jones, Malcolm Jr. “The Down-Under Car Dealers from Hell,” Newsweek 27 January 1992: 60.
Jones, Paulette. “Inspecting ‘Civilised’ Worlds,” Social Alternatives 10.4 (1991): 58—59.
Kellaway, Kate, “Eternal Wedding Day,” Literary Review [London] (September 1991): 6.
Kemp, Peter. “Toxic Shocks,” Sunday Times [London] 1 September 1991: 6.
Koenig, Rhoda. “Taxes and Death,” New York Magazine 13 January 1992: 62.
Lehmann—Haupt, Christopher. “A Family that Only Appears Zany: It’s Really Much Worse,” New York Times Book Review 16 January 1992. C21.
——. International Herald Tribune 1 February 1992: 14.
Liddelow, Eden. “New Model Carey,” Scripsi 7.2 (1991): 93—100.
Linklater, Andro. “Landscape with Peasants,” Spectator 7 September 1991: 34.
Lynch, Lisa. “Down Under, a Bizarre Family with a Secret,” Philadelphia Inquirer 1 March 1992: M3.
Marx, Bill. “Dystopia Down Under,” Nation [New York] 16 March 1992: 346—48.
Miller, Faren. Locus: The Magazine of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Field 28.2 (1992): 7.
——. Locus: The Magazine of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Field 28.3 (1992): 20.
Picker, Lauren. “Far From the Fatal Shore,” Newsday 19 January 1992: 34. [Based on an Interview with Carey]
——. “Australian Author Peter Carey Found Incest a Tough Subject,” St Louis Post-Dispatch 2 February 1992: 4C.
——. “Peter Carey on the Defensive,” Sun Herald [Sydney] 2 February 1992: 101.
Pierce, Peter. “A Stumble, No More,” Bulletin 13 August 1991: 112.
Prose, Francine. “Would You Buy a Used Car from this Family?” New York Times Book Review 12 January 1992: 1, 26.
Radin, Victoria. “Toxic Waste,” New Statesman 13 September 1991: 39.
Ratcliffe, Michael. “Cold Comfort,” Observer [London] 1 Sept. 1991: 54.
Renew, Jean. Idiom 23 5.1 (1992): 71—72.
Riemer, Andrew. “Brutish & Nasty,” Sydney Morning Herald 3 August 1991: 43.
Roberts, Mark. “Fallen Angels and Tax Inspectors,” Sydney Review 34 (1991): 13.
Ross, Robert R. “Would You Buy a Used Car from These People?” Antipodes 6.1 (1992): 87.
Steinberg, Sybil S. Publishers Weekly 11 October 1991: 50.
Thomas, Mark. “An Odd Lot,” Canberra Times 27 July 1991: C9.
Towers, Robert. “House of Cards,” New York Review of Books 25 June 1992: 35—36.
Walton, Sue. “Master Narrator Triumphs Again,” Newcastle Herald 27 July 1991: 11.
Wheatley, Jane. “Something Rotten Down Under,” Times [London] 7 September 1991: Features, B3.
White, Edmund. “Recognizing Jack,” Times Literary Supplement 30 August 1991: 21.
Woods, Frances. Booklist 15 January 1992: 906.
Wooldridge, Adrian. “Terror for the Tax Inspector,” Daily Mail 22 August 1991: 48.
Wyndham, Susan, “Carey’s Epic Reversal a Taxing Effort,” Weekend Australian 28 April 1990: 7.
4.8.2 Articles, Essays and References in Monographs
Bode, Barbara. “Angels and Devils: Child Sexual Abuse in Peter Carey’s The Tax Inspector,” Antipodes 9.2 (1995): 107—10.
Dixon, Robert. “Closing the Can of Worms: Enactments of Justice in Bleak House, The Mystery of a Hansom Cab and The Tax Inspector,” Westerly 37.4 (1992): 37—45.
——. “The Logic of the Excluded Middle,” Literature in North Queensland 18.2 (1991): 133—41.
Fletcher, M.D. “Political Identity in Contemporary Australian Literature: David Malouf and Peter Carey,” Politics of Identity, ed. Geoffrey Stokes (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997): 175—84.
Ratcliffe, Greg. “Urban Cannibals: Peter Carey’s The Tax Inspector,” Journal of Australian Studies 57 (1998): 184—93.
4.9 The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith
4.9.1 Reviews
Anon. Kirkus Reviews 15 December 1994: 13.
Anon. “Culture Vulture,” Australian Magazine 9 May 1998: 46.
Anon. “Chattering Class: The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith,” New Statesman 8 September 1995: 37.
Anon. Maclean’s 20 February 1995: 65.
Becker, Joel. “Forecasts,” Australian Bookseller & Publisher (July 1994): 52.
Bernard, April. “Un-Efican Activities,” New York Review of Books 22 June 1995: 44—48.
Brennan, Geraldine. “Crossing the High Wires,” Observer 4 September 1994: Review 15.
Callahan, David. “Peter Carey Dazzles Again,” Antipodes 9.2 (1995): 145—46.
Coad, David. “The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith,” World Literature Today 70.3 (1996): 757—58.
Coe, Jonathan. “Principia Efica,” London Review of Books 22 September 1994: 5.
Daniel, Helen. “A Dazzling Sleight of Hand,” Age Saturday Extra 20 August 1994: 7.
——. “The Odd Absence of Tristan Smith,” Age Saturday Extra 1 July 1995: 7.
Dawson, David. “Carey’s Weirdness Pays Off in Magic,” Commercial Appeal [Memphis] 19 March 1995: 26.
Doyle, Jeff. “A Resolution Denied,” Voices 5.4 (1995—96): 123—26.
Eder, Richard, “Sunday Books: Brave New Disneyworld,” Newsday 5 February 1995: 33—35.
——. “An E-Ticket Ride,” Los Angeles Book Review 5 February 1995: 3, 8.
England, Katharine. “Inventive Joy,” Advertiser Magazine 24 September 1994: 12.
Frankel, Susannah. “Preview,” Time Out 7 September 1994: 47.
Fulcher, Gillian. “Carey’s Conundrum,” Eureka Street 8.1 (1998): 44—46.
——. “Invitation to Rethink the World,” Mercury [Hobart] 11 August 1997: 21.
Giese, Diana. “Remaking the Self that Life Has Dealt,” Canberra Times 23 August 1994: 3.
Glendinning, Victoria. “No Fairy-Tale Endings,” Daily Telegraph [London] 3 September 1994: 7.
Glover, Douglas. “Australia On My Mind,” Chicago Tribune 19 Feb 1995: Tribune Books 5.
Glover, Michael, “Picaresque Novel, Restless for Ideas, Wanders Astray,” Insight on the News 20 March 1995: 28.
Hasluck, Nicholas. “Joining the Sirkus,” Quadrant 39.1—2 (January—February 1995): 102—104.
Hensher, Philip. “Heaven, Hell and Disneyland,” Manchester Guardian Weekly 23 October 1994: 28.
——. “Heaven and Disneyland,” Guardian [London] 11 October 1994: T8.
Heron, Liz. Times Educational Supplement 7 October 1994: SS21.
Heyward, Michael. “Parallel Universes,” New Republic 10 April 1995: 38—41.
Hooper, Brad. Booklist 1 February 1995: 989.
Indyk, Ivor. “When National Pride Transcends All Borders,” Sunday Age 21 August 1994: 8.
Jaireth, Subhash. “A Mis-en-Scene in the Feu-Follet Theatre in Chemin Rouge,” Overland 139 (1995): 72—74.
Jolly, Joanne. New Librarian 1.6 (1994): 40.
Kemp, Peter. “Flamboyant Fabrication,” Sunday Times [London] 4 September 1994: 7, 13.
Koenig, Rhoda. “Exploring the Absurd,” Vogue 185.2 (1995): 162.
Korn, Eric. “Entertaining Empires,” Times Literary Supplement 2 September 1994: 10.
Maclean, Marie. “Carey Goes Cybersurfing,” Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Literature 14.1 (1997): 18—20.
Marks, Mary Romano. Booklist 1 February 1995: 996.
Masington, Charles G. “‘Unusual Life is Unusually Disappointing: Peter Carey’s New Book Doesn’t Meet Standards of his Previous Work,” Kansas City Star 9 April 1995: J10.
Miller, Faren. Locus: The Magazine of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Field 34.2 (1995): 12.
Myers, David. “Ambitious Sci-Fi Satire,” Courier-Mail 20 August 1994: 6.
Pascoe, Bruce. “Tristan’s Quest,” Eureka Street 4.10 (December 1994 ): 34—35.
Pierce, Peter. “A Clever Fable Not of this World,” Bulletin 30 August 1994: 88—89.
Powers, Scott L. “Wise, Wry ‘Life’ Takes a Dysfunctional Journey,” Boston Globe 14 March 1995: 28.
Riemer, Andrew. “The Antipodes of Tiny Tristan,” Sydney Morning Herald 20 August 1994: 9A.
Robb, Peter. “The Mouse that Scored,” Independent Monthly 6.3 (September 1994): 66—68.
Rungren, Lawrence. Library Journal [New York] 120.1 (1995): 135.
See, Carolyn. “A Magic Tale of Spectacle,” Washington Post 17 February 1995: F2.
Shields, Carol. “Voorstand, Go Home!” New York Times Book Review 12 February 1995: 7.
Shone, Tom, “Wild Ride,” New Yorker 6 March 1995: 124.
St Vincent Welch, Sarah. “Sirkus Boy,” Editions: The New Monthly Australian Review of Books 22 (1995): 24.
Steinberg, Sybil S. Publishers Weekly 19 December 1994: 46.
Strawson, Galen. “A Little Yearning is a Dangerous Thing,” Independent on Sunday 4 September 1994: 34.
Trefely—Deutch, Maria. “Carey Lets Us Down Again,” Sunday Telegraph 4 September 1994: 148.
Turcotte, Gerry. “A Non-Stop, Three-Ringed Sirkus,” Weekend Australian 20 August 1994: Review Pages 7.
Whiteside, Shaun. New Statesman & Society 18 November 1994: 53.
Woodward, Richard B. “Out of Efica,” Village Voice 28 February 1995: 59.
Wynveen, Tim. “Courageous Fool,” Maclean’s 20 February 1995: 65.
4.9.2 Articles and Essays
Bliss, Carolyn. “Cheers, Jears, and Fears: Twentieth Century Australian Novelists Portray the United States,” Australasian Journal of American Studies 19.2 (2000): 55—66.
Bradley, James. “A Slippery, Ripperty Thing: Empire and Culture in Peter Carey’s The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith,” New York Review of Science Fiction 9.5 (1997): 17—19.
——. “Bread and Sirkuses: Empire and Culture in Peter Carey’s The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith and Jack Maggs,” Meanjin 56.3—4 (1997): 657—65.
Dawson, Carrie. “‘Who Was that Masked Mouse?’ Imposture in Peter Carey’s The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith,” Southern Review: Literary and Interdisciplinary Essays 30.2 (1997): 202—11.
Griffin, David. “A Rebuttal to James Bradley,” New York Review of Science Fiction 9.11 (1997): 15—18.
Hardy, Elizabeth. “Postmodernism vs Postcolonialism,” Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Literature 14.1 (1997): 21—25.
Hassall, Anthony J. “Power Play: The Sirkus in Peter Carey’s The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith,” in From a Distance: Australian Writers and Cultural Displacement, ed. Wenche Ommundsen & Hazel Rowely (Geelong, Victoria: Deakin UP, 1996): 141—47.
Maclean, Marie. “The Heirs of Amphitryon: Social Fathers and Natural Fathers,” New Literary History 26.4 (1995): 787—807.
Riem Natale, Antonella. “The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith: Re-Imagining Australia — An American Nightmare,” Il bianco e il nero: Studi di filologia e di letteratura (1998): 63—78.
Suarez Lafuente, Maria Socorro. “Tristan Smith, Postcolonial Knight,” A Spanish Sampler of Australian Studies, ed. Susan Ballyn (Barcelona, Spain: Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya, 1996): 61—69.
4.10 The Big Bazoohley
4.10.1 Reviews
Brennan, Geraldine. “Children’s Literature: The Big Bazoohley;” Times Educational Supplement 13 October 1995: SS11.
Children’s Book Council of Australia. “Judges’ Report,” Reading Time [The Journal of the Book Council of Australia] 40.3 (1996): 7.
Cushman, Carolyn. Locus: The Magazine of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Field 35.6 (1995): 32.
Deveraux, Elizabeth. “Children’s Books: The Big Bazoohley,” Publishers Weekly 18 September 1995: 134.
—-, Diane Roback & Shannon Maughan. “PW’s Best Books ’95 — Children’s,” Publishers Weekly 6 November 1995: 68.
Harboe—Ree, Cathrine. Viewpoint: On Books for Young Adults 3.1 (1995): 38—39.
Hluchy, Patricia & Diane Turbide. “A Rich Garden of New Books,” Maclean’s 11 December 1995: 54.
Krauth, Nigel. “Through the Looking-Glass,” Australian Book Review 175 (1995): 57—58.
McClelland, Kate. School Library Journal 44.8 (1998): 29.
O’Donoghue, Michael. Reading Time [The Journal of the Book Council of Australia] 39.4 (1995): 27.
Phelan, Carolyn. Booklist 92.5 (November 1995): 469.
Rogers, Susan L. School Library Journal 41.10 (1995): 132.
Slepian, Jan. “Eyes on the Prize,” New York Times Book Review 12 November 1995: 30.
4.10.2 Articles and Essays
Hassall, Anthony J. “Winners and Losers: Peter Carey’s The Big Bazoohley,” Antipodes 10.2 (1996): 117—20.
4.11 Jack Maggs
4.11.1 Reviews
Allen, Brooke. “A Novel as Rich as London,” New Leader 23 February 1998: 13—14.
Annan, Gabriele. “Fantasia,” New York Review of Books 19 February 1998: 26.
Anon. “Carey’s Maggs ‘Outdoes Dickens,'” Mercury [Hobart] 26 February 1998: 9.
Begley, Adam. People 23 February 1998: 34—35.
Bliss, Carolyn. “Life Defies Art in Peter Carey’s Novel,” Antipodes 11.1 (1997): 47—48.
Brennan, Geraldine. New Statesman 24 July 1998: 48.
Carnegie, Marc. “Dickens’s World Upside Down,” Wall Street Journal 4 February 1998: 1.
Charles, Ron. “Novel Gives the Dickens to Historical Fiction,” Christian Science Monitor 8 April 1998: 14.
Connally, Molly. School Library Journal 44.5 (1998): 175.
Craven, Peter. “Homage to Dickens,” Weekend Australian 2 August 1997: 7.
Daniel, Helen. “Fulfilling Great Expectations,” Age Saturday Extra 9 August 1997: 7.
Dowling, Andrew. Heat 7 (1998): 196—97.
Dwyer, Janet Ingraham. Library Journal [New York] 123.2: 109—10.
Eder, Richard. “A Darker Dickens: Peter Carey Retells the Story of Great Expectations,” Newsday 1 February 1998: B09.
England, Katharine. “Expect it from Carey,” Advertiser Weekend Magazine 9 August 1997: 19.
Fitzgerald, Michael. “Changed Expectations,” Time 11 August 1997: 82.
Frost, Lucy. “Carey Lives up to Great Expectations,” Sunday Age 10 August 1997: 7.
Fulcher, Gillian. “Great Incantations,” Courier-Mail 9 August 1997: Wkd 7.
——. “The Magwitch Connection,” Mercury [Hobart] 22 September 1997: 26.
——. “The Risks of Following Dreams,” Canberra Times 9 August 1997: C11.
Gray, Paul. “Fulfilling Expectations,” Time 23 February 1998: 84.
Gussow, Mel. “An Australian Novelist Takes Another Look at Dickens’s Inimitable Convict,” New York Times 25 May 1998: E9.
Hardy, Elizabeth. Westerly 43.2 (1998): 134—36.
Harris, Chico. “Dickens Down Under: Peter Carey Pulls Off Great Homage in New Novel, Jack Maggs,” Oxford Town [Weekly Entertainment Supplement] 19 February 1998: 19.
Hensher, Philip. “Great Expectations Disappointed,” Spectator 20 September 1997: 36—37.
Hetzel, Ellen Emry. “The Dickens You Say!” Sunday Oregonian 8 Feb. 1998: F5.
Hoover, Bob. “Carey’s Jack Maggs Fulfills Great Expectations,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 22 February 1998: G8.
James, Caryn. “Great Extrapolations,” New York Times Book Review 8 February 1998: 10—11.
Jose, Nicholas, “Carey’s Labyrinth,” Australian Book Review 193 (1997): 14—15.
Kanner, Ellen. “Jack and Tobias Find Good, Evil in Dickens’ London,” Miami Herald 15 February 1998: L5.
Kelsay, Michael. “Maggs is Stimulating, Suspenseful and Smart,” Lexington Herald-Leader 26 April 1998:
Kephart, Beth. Kansas City Star 22 February 1998: J7.
Kermode, Frank. London Review of Books 16 October 1997: 8.
Kiernan, Brian. “Return of the Repressed,” Overland 148 (1997): 77—79.
Kisor, Henry. “Peter Carey Upends Dickens Masterpiece,” Chicago Sun-Times 22 February 1998: 21.
Koeppel, Fredric. “Jack Maggs Takes Great Expectations Where Dickens Couldn’t,” Commercial Appeal [Memphis] 22 February 1998: G1.
——. “Australia’s Convict Origins are Intriguing to Writer Peter Carey,” Commercial Appeal [Memphis] 22 February 1998: G1.
Krist, Gary. “Classics Revisited,” Hudson Review 51.3 (1998): 623—30.
Landon, Philip. Review of Contemporary Fiction 18.2 (1998): 239.
Lehmann—Haupt, Christopher. “Confounding Expectations Great and Small,” New York Times 12 February 1998: E12.
Lee, Hermione. “Great Extrapolations,” Guardian [London] 28 September 1997: 15.
Litvack, Leon. Rev. of Peter Carey, Jack Maggs,” Dickensian 94.1 (1998): 58—60.
——. “Dickens, Australia and Magwitch. Part I: The Colonial Context,” Dickensian 95.1 (1999): 24—50.
——. “Dickens, Australia and Magwitch. Part II: The Search for le cas Magwitch,” Dickensian 95.2 (1999): 101—27.
McGirr, Michael. “What the Dickens…,” Eureka Street 7.7 (1997): 43—44.
Mackenzie, Suzie. “Convicts Redeemed,” Guardian [London] 13 September 1997: Guardian Weekend Page T30.
Manning, Greg. “What the Dickens,” Literature in North Queensland 24.2 (1997): 118—23.
Margolis, Nancy. “Dickens Lives, In a Den of London Thieves,” San Francisco Chronicle 15 February 1998: B7.
Miller, Karl. “Late Expectations,” New Republic 20 April 1998: 40.
Mulrine, Anna. U.S. News & World Report 9 February 1998: 71.
Nokes, David. “Criminal Concerns,” Times Literary Supplement 12 September 1997: 8.
Ott, Bill. American Libraries 29.6 (1998): 128.
——. Booklist 1 January 1998: 774.
——. Booklist 15 April 1998: 1368.
Pfeil, Fred. “Ghost of Dickens’ Past,” Nation [New York] 2 March 1998: 27—28.
Pierce, Peter. “Great Expectations of the Afterlife,” Bulletin 2 September 1997: 75.
Porter, Peter. “New Worlds for Old,” Australian’s Review of Books 2.7 (August 1997): 4—5, 30.
Riemer, Andrew. “Exceeding Expectations,” Sydney Morning Herald 9 August 1997: Spectrum 11.
Ross, Robert R. “Expectations Lost and Found,” World & I 13.7 (July 1998): 250—57.
Sante, Luc. “The Plot Dickens,” New York Magazine 16 February 1998: 49—50.
Selwyn, Amy. “Jack Maggs: A Wonderful Tribute to Charles Dickens,” Chicago Tribune 11 March 1998: CN3.
Spalding, Frances. Times Educational Supplement 24 October 1997: SS8.
Steffens, Daneet. Entertainment Weekly 20 February 1998: 111.
Wagner, Erica. “Comeuppance from Down Under in Dickens of a Book,” Times [London] 18 September 1997: 43.
Zeidner, Lisa. “A Truly Dickensian Tale of Stories Within Stories,” Philadelphia Inquirer 8 March 1988: C10.
4.11.2 Articles and Essays
Hassall, Anthony J. “A Tale of Two Countries: Jack Maggs and Peter Carey’s Fiction,” Australian Literary Studies 18.2 (1997): 128—35.
Herman, Luc. “Het Australische Ras: Jack Maggs (1997) van Peter Carey,” in Het Labyrint van de Bevrijding: Tien Postkoloniale Auteursportretten, ed. Kathleen Gyssels et al. (Kapellen, Netherlands: Pelckmans, 1999): 167—79.
Ho, Elizabeth. “Peter Carey’s Jack Maggs and the Trauma of Convictism,” Antipodes 17.2 (2003): 124—32.
Jordan, John O. “Dickens Re-Visioned: Jack Maggs and the ‘English Book,'” in Dickens: The Craft of Fiction and the Challenge of Reading, ed. Rossana Bonadei et al. (Milan: Edizioni Unicopli, 2000): 292—300.
Letissier, Georges. “Les ‘Suites’ aux Grandes Esperances de Charles Dickens: Variation; Modulation; Contradiction? (Acker; Ackroyd; Carey; Swift),” Cahiers Victoriens et édouardiens 55 (2002): 377—96.
Meinig, Sigrun. “An Australian Convict in the Great English City: Peter Carey’s Jack Maggs,” in Australian Writing and the City: Refereed Proceedings of the 1999 Conference Held at the New South Wales Writers’ Centre Sydney 2—6 July 1999, ed. Frances De Groen & Ken A. Stewart (Sydney: Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 2000: 144—49); repr. in Southerly 60.3 (2000): 57—65.
——. “Literary Lessons Learned from the Past: Stereotypes and Intertextuality in Peter Carey’s Jack Maggs,” Missions of Interdependence: A Literary Directory, ed. Gerhard Stilz (Cross/Cultures 58; Rodopi: Amsterdam, 2002): 299—307.
Sirabian, Robert. “Writing Nineteenth-Century Fiction in the Twentieth Century: Peter Carey’s Jack Maggs,” POMPA: Publications of the Mississippi-Philological Association (2002): 53—60.
Thieme, John. “Turned Upside Down? Dickens’s Australia and Peter Carey’s Jack Maggs,” in Postcolonial Con-Texts: Writing Back to the Canon (New York: Continuum, 2001): 102—26.
4.12 True History of the Kelly Gang
4.12.1 Reviews
Anderson, Jason. “Outback Outlaw,” Globe and Mail [Toronto] 27 January 2001: D2.
Anon. “Editors’ Choice,” New York Times Book Review 2 December 2001: 90.
Anon. “Sunday Age Book Focus: True History of the Kelly Gang; Week 1: The Novel,” Sunday Age 1 July 2001: Agenda 11.
Anon. “Sunday Age Book Focus: True History of the Kelly Gang, Week 1: The Author” Sunday Age 1 July 2001: Agenda 11.
Anon. “Sunday Age Book Focus: True History of the Kelly Gang; Week 2: Discussion Points,” Sunday Age 8 July 2001: Agenda 11.
Anon. “Sunday Age Book Focus: True History of the Kelly Gang, Week 3: What the Critics and the Author Say,” Sunday Age 15 July 2001: Agenda 11.
Anon. “Books and Arts: A Wizard From Oz,” Economist 20 January 2001: 82.
Augenbraum, Harold. Library Journal [New York] 125.20 (2000): 186.
Austen, Tom. “Kelly Legend Brought to Life,” West Australian 14 October 2000: 8.
Banville, John. New York Review of Books 29 March 2001: 15.
Battersby, Eileen. “Australian Myth,” Irish Times 27 January 2001: 65.
Bemrose, John. “Dialogue with a Desperado,” Maclean’s 26 March 2001: 48—51.
Bennie, Angela. Sydney Morning Herald 30 December 2000: 12.
Bliss, Carolyn. “Imagining the Truth,” Antipodes 15.1 (2001): 47—48.
Bradley, James. “Such Was a Life,” Bulletin 24 October 2000: 102—103.
Brien, Donna Lee. Imago 13.3 (2001): 171—74.
Byrne, Trevor. “Writing Ned Kelly into Imaginative History,” CRNLE Journal 2001: 42—46.
Caterson, Simon. “The Word on Ned,” Age 23 October 2000: 23.
Charles, Ron. “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in One Man,” Christian Science Monitor 18 January 2001: 20.
Coad, David. World Literature Today 75.2 (2001): 314.
Coleman, Peter. “Peter Carey’s Ned Kelly,” Adelaide Review 206 (November 2000): 10.
Condon, Matt. “True Fiction,” Sun Herald [Sydney] 15 October 2000: 28.
Daniel, Helen. “Such is His Life,” Age 23 October 2000: 9.
Davidson, Max. “My Life as an Aussie Anti-Hero,” Sunday Telegraph 14 January 2001: 14.
De Falbe, John. “The Reluctant Outlaw,” Spectator 13 January 2001: 35—36.
Devine, Frank. “Carey Breathes Fresh Life into Nedophilia,” Australian 30 October 2000: Features 11.
Dunstan, Keith. “Ned Reckoning,” Bulletin 12 December 2000: 46-47.
Eberhart, John Mark. “The Legends of Ned Kelly: Peter Carey’s Account of Australian Folk Hero / Bandit Captures American Hearts,” Kansas City Star 7 February 2001: F6.
Edric, Robert. “Remaking Ned,” Guardian [London] 6 January 2001: Saturday Pages 8.
——. “Fiction’s Outlaw,” Manchester Guardian Weekly 24 Jaunary 2001: 17.
England, Katharine. “Bushranging History,” Advertiser 14 October 2000: 21.
Fitzgerald, Michael. “Truth and Consequences,” Time [Pacific] 30 October 2000: [ Link» ].
Flanagan, Martin. “Ned Kelly: His Shots Are Heard Again and Again,” Age 19 November 2001: 3.
Foster, Ken. San Francisco Chronicle Book Review 14 January 2001: 1.
Fraser, Morag. “Deft Narrative Devices,” Australian Book Review 226 (2000): 38—39.
Freudenberger, Nell. Village Voice Literary Supplement 13 February 2001: 79—80.
Fripp, Aden. Canberra Times 27 October 2001: Panorama 17.
Fyfe, Karin. Canberra Times 27 October 2001: Panorama 17.
Gaile, Andreas. “The True History of the Kelly Gang, at Last!” Meanjin 60.3 (2001): 214—19, repr. in Contemporary Literary Criticism (Detroit: Gale, 2004): seiten
Garrett, George. “Outlaw of the Outback,” Washington Post 28 January 2001: T8.
Gerster, Robin. “The Ned Kelly Myth and Australian Identity,” Lancet 3 February 2001: 401.
Gormack, Nick. “Ned Kelly Rides Again,” Christchurch Press 23 December 2000: 31.
Gray, Paul. “Sympathy for an Outlaw,” Time 22 January 2001: 82.
Gussow, Mel. “Championing a Fabled Bandit: For Novelist, a Rogue Australian Sums Up His Underdog Culture,” New York Times Book Review 15 February 2001: E1.
Hay, John. “He Loved His Mum,” Courier-Mail 28 October 2000: M7.
Henderson, Jane. “Peter Carey Advances Legend of Australian Outlaw Ned Kelly,” St Louis Post-Dispatch 4 February 2001: F9.
Ivison, Douglas. JAS Review of Books 3 (2001): [ Link» ]; repr. in Journal of Australian Studies 71 (2001): 144—45.
Jacobs, Lyn. JASAL: Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature 1 (2002): 96—101.
Jaivin, Linda. “Kelly Finds His Tongue,” Far Eastern Economic Review 1 November 2001: 43.
James, Jamie. “A Legendary Fugitive Rides Again,” Wall Street Journal 5 January 2001: W8.
Jones, Malcolm. “An Outlaw Down Under,” Newsweek 29 January 2001: 64.
Jones, Thomas. “Full Tilt,” London Review of Books 8 February 2001: 24—25.
Kenneally, Catherine. “Inside the Helmet,” Weekend Australian 14 October 2000: Rev. 11.
Kemp, Peter. “Why Ned Was Born to Run,” Sunday Times [London] 7 January 2001: 36.
——. “Page-Turners of 2001,” Sunday Times [London] 25 November 2001: 34.
Kerr, Douglas. “History and Theirstories: A Review of Some Recent Australian and Asian Fiction,” Westerly 46 (2001): 190—203.
Kinsella, John. “On Peter Carey’s True History of the Kelly Gang,” 18 March 2004 [ Link» ].
Klepp, L.S. Entertainment Weekly 9 February 2001: 71.
Kneale, Matthew. “Adjectival Amazing,” Daily Telegraph 6 January 2001: A5.
Koeppel, Fredric. “One Killer Novel,” New York Post 11 March 2001: 46.
——. “True History of Aussie Outlaw Taps into Mythological Voice,” Commercial Appeal [Memphis, TN] 18 February 2001: H3.
Levi, Jonathan. “The Ballad of Ned Kelly,” Los Angeles Times Book Review 28 January 2001: 2
McCarthy, Phillip. “A Novel Twist on Selling Ned Kelly,” Sydney Morning Herald 30 January 2001: 13.
McDermott, Alex. “In His Own Write,” Eureka Street 11.1 (2001): 36—39.
McGloin, Barry. Canberra Times 27 October 2001: Panorama 17.
Marks, Kathy. “Folk Hero or Thug?” Evening Post [Wellington] 21 November 2000: Features 19.
Maslin, Janet. “A Wild Criminal in a Wilder Australia,” New York Times Book Review 4 January 2001: E10.
Miller, Laura. Salon.Com 11 January 2001. [ Link» ]
Messud, Claire. “The Voicing of Australia,” LA Weekly 3 May 2002: 26. 9, 2002
Moran, Jennifer. “Carey Draft Among Rare Book Gems,” Canberra Times 2 June 2001: 2.
Morgan, Wendy. “Treading a Fine Line? Carey’s Kelly,” Social Alternatives 20.1 (2001): 71—72.
Morrow, Bradford. Artforum 8.2 (2001): 23.
Morrison, Blake. “Wild Colonial Boy,” Independent on Sunday [UK] 7 January 2001: 43.
Mundow, Anna. “The Reimagined Legend of an Outback Outlaw,” Boston Sunday Globe 28 January 2001: E1.
Oakley, Barry. “Wild Colonial Boy,” Australian’s Review of Books 5.10 (November 2000): 5.
Phillips, John, Chief Justice. “Ned Kelly Rides Again,” Herald Sun [Australia] 28 October 2000: W18.
Pierce, Peter. “Ned Kelly Rides Again,” Canberra Times 21 October 2000: 17.
Porter, Peter. “Made Noble in the Fire,” Times Literary Supplement 5 January 2001: 19—20.
Pybus, Cassandra. “Novel History,” Overland 163 (2001): 97—100.
Quinn, Anthony. “Robin Hood of the Outback,” New York Times Book Review 7 January 2001: 8.
Rerolle, Raphaelle. “Les Audaces de Peter Carey,” Monde [France] 7 February 2003: 2.
Riemer, Andrew. “Ironclad Irony,” Sydney Morning Herald 14 October 2000: Spectrum 3, 14.
Rogers, Jane. “Remaking the Myth,” Observer 7 January 2001: 19.
Romei, Stephen. “Carey Casts a Long-Harboured Pall,” Weekend Australian 28 July 2001: Nation 5.
——. “Waking Ned Kelly,” Australian 6 October 2000: 11.
Ross, Robert R. “Heroic Underdog Down Under,” World & I 16.6 (June 2001): 251—55.
Scurr, Ruth. “One Mother’s Son,” Times [London] 10 January 2001: 11.
Seaman, Donna. Booklist 97.6 (2000): 587.
Shuttleworth, Mike. “CoverNotes,” Sunday Age 20 May 2001: Agenda 11.
Steinberg, Sybil. Publishers Weekly 13 November 2000: 84.
Taylor, D.J. New Statesman [London] 8 January 2001: 42.
Updike, John. “Both Rough and Tender: The Autobiography of an Australian Outlaw,” New Yorker 22 January 2001: 80—83.
Urquhart, James. “In Defence of the Mild Colonial Boy,” Independent 6 January 2001: Features 10.
Wagner, Erica. “Classics Both Old and New,” Times [London] 21 November 2001: 9
Woodcock, Bruce. Literary Encyclopedia: [ Link» ].
Wyndham, Susan. “An Outlaw’s Tale,” Sydney Morning Herald 20 October 2001: 31.
——. “Off with His Mask,” Sydney Morning Herald 30 September 2000: Spectrum 1, 8—9.
4.12.2 Articles and Essays
Gaile, Andreas. “Re-Mythologizing an Australian Legend: Peter Carey’s True History of the Kelly Gang,” Antipodes 15.1 (2001): 37—39.
Huggan, Graham. “Cultural Memory in Postcolonial Fiction: The Uses and Abuses of Ned Kelly,” Australian Literary Studies 20.3 (2002): 141—54.
Marsh, Anne. “Ned Kelly by Any Other Name,” Journal of Visual Culture 1.1 (2002): 57—65.
Pons, Xavier. “The Novelist as Ventriloquist: Autobiography and Fiction in Peter Carey’s True History of the Kelly Gang,” Commonwealth Essays and Studies 24.1 (2001): 61—72.
4.13 30 Days in Sydney: A Wildly Distorted Account
4.13.1 Reviews
Anon. “Books and Arts: Sunny Side Up; Cities and Writers,” Economist 1 September 2001: 77.
Baker, Tony. “Sydney’s Element of Surprise,” Advertiser 4 August 2001: 19.
Birmingham, John. “Just Wild About Sydney Town,” Age 11 August 2001: 9.
Callil, Carmen. “The Wizard of Oz,” Times [London] 15 August 2001: Features 13.
Cowan, Stephen. Antithesis 12 (2001): 165—69.
Eder, Richard. “Making a Cautious Start but Getting Carried Away,” New York Times 1 October 2001: E8.
——. “A Wild and Intoxicating Journey into Australia’s Soul,” Hamilton Spectator [Ontario, Canada] 1 December 2001: M19.
Gaile, Andreas. “The Inescapable Presence of the Past,” Antipodes 16.1 (2002): 83—84.
Glendinning, Victoria. “A Rackety Past,” Daily Telegraph [London] 4 August 2001: 3.
Holbrook, Peter. “If It Sucks, Then Say It,” Australian 3 October 2001: 30—31.
Hunt, Kathy. “Live and Let Live,” Bulletin 22 August 2001: 68.
Krist, Gary. “A Month Down Under: Peter Carey Returns Home for a Visit,” New York Times Book Review 16 September 2001: 34.
Maliszewski, Paul. Review of Contemporary Fiction 22.2 (2002): 247.
McGirr, Michael. “A Month of Sydneys,” Eureka Street 11.9 (2001): 38—39.
Porter, Peter. “A Month in the City,” Spectator 25 August 2001: 35.
Riemer, Andrew. “A Merry Roam with Blokes South of the Harbour,” Sydney Morning Herald 25 August 2001: Spectrum 17.
Rotella, Mark. Publishers Weekly 20 August 2001: 73.
Rothwell, Nicolas. “Sense and the City,” Weekend Australian 28 July 2001: Review Books Extra 6—7.
Walker, Nicola. “Fair Dinkum Mates,” Times Literary Supplement 2 November 2001: 36.
Wheeler, Tony. “Back to Godzone,” Australian Book Review 237 (2002): 38—39.
4.14 My Life as a Fake
4.14.1 Reviews
Abbott, Lee. K. “Frankenstein with a Poet’s Bent,” Miami Herald 23 November 2003: M7.
Adamian, John. “I’ve Created a Monster,” Hartford Advocate 18 March 2004: Seite
Anderson, Hephzibah. “There Once Was a Poet From Down Under,” Observer 14 September 2003: Review Pages 18.
Anon. Kirkus Reviews 1 September 2003: 1086.
Anon. Publishers Weekly 13 October 2003: 56.
Bantick, Christopher. “Echo of Great Literary Upset,” Mercury [Hobart] 26 July 2003: 39.
Barnacle, Hugo. “Poetic Licence,” New Statesman [London] 22 September 2003: 52.
Bennie, Angela. “A Poet Who Never Lived Can be Such an Inspiration,” Sydney Morning Herald 28 October 2003: 12.
Blakeney, Sally. “Hit and Myth,” Bulletin 26 August 2003: 68—70.
Bradley, James. “Carey and his Caliban,” Age 9 August 2003: 5.
Bromstein, Elizabeth. “Carey On,” NOW Magazine [Toronto] 23 October 2003: [Online edition]: [ Link» ].
Brown, Helen. “The Tangled Tale of a Bloodthirsty Bard and His Dr Frankenstein,” Daily Telegraph 6 September 2003: 8.
Charles, Ron. “Pay No Attention to the Poet Behind the Mask,” Christian Science Monitor 23 October 2003: 14.
Collins, Padraig. “The Poet Who Never Was,” Irish Times 3 September 2003: 12.
Craven, Peter. “That Redeeming Black Magic,” Sydney Morning Herald 9 August 2003: Spectrum 14—15.
Cryer, Dan. “The Real Story Behind the Guy Who Wrote a ‘Fake,'” Newsday 6 November 2003: B2.
Deveson, Tom. “Oh What a Tangled Web He Weaves,” Sunday Times [London]: 7 September 2003: 51.
Dubail, Jean. “Author’s Complex Hoax Keeps Readers Glued,” Cleveland Plain Dealer 7 December 2003: Seite?
Eggleston, David. “Frankenstein of Australia,” New Zealand Listener 6 September 2003: Seite?
Flockhart, Susan. “An Immaculate Deception,” Sunday Herald 14 September 2003: Seite?
Francis, Mike. Oregonian 14 December 2003: F7.
Gaile, Andreas. “Life-Giving Lies,” Australian Book Review 253 (August 2003): 10—11.
Gallagher, John. “There Once Was a Poet Down Under: 1940s Literary Hoax Inspires Aussie romp,” Detroit Free Press 23 November 2003: 24.
Gordon, Peter. “Satu Lagi, Tuan,” Asian Review of Books [Online publication] 27 January 2004.
Gorra, Michael. “Fabulous Forgeries,” Atlantic Monthly 292.4 (2003): 163.
Graham, Philip. New Leader [New York] 86.6 (2003): 39.
Greig, Geordie. “The Poet Who Never Was,” Literary Review [London] (September 2003): 34.
Groom, Nick. “Beyond a Joke,” Independent 13 September 2003: 32.
Gwinn, Mary Ann. “Wizard Peter Carey Works His Spell,” Seattle Times 16 November 2003: K10.
——. “Australian Author Peter Carey Is the Real Deal When it Comes to Taking Literary Chances,” Seattle Times 27 November 2003: E4.
Haupt, Melanie. “2003 Texas Book Festival Preview: My Life as a Fake, by Peter Carey,” Austin Chronicle 7 November 2003: [ Link» ].
Hensher, Philip. “A Furious Piece of Work,” Times [London] 20 September 2003: Weekend Review 15.
Hodgins, Jack. “A Fabulous Fraud,” Globe and Mail [Toronto] 18 Oct. 2003: D14.
Holmes, Cathy. “Novel Searches for Truth Behind Literary Hoax,” Charleston Post & Courier 18 January 2004: [ Link» ].
Hoover, Bob. “Carey Follows in Traditions of Kipling, Conrad,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 30 November 2003: E4.
——. “Writing Novels Leads Peter Carey to New and Magical Places,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 15 March 2004: D1.
James, Jamie. “Highbrow Hoaxers: Set in Malaysia and Indonesia, Peter Carey’s New Novel Revisits a Legendary Literary Scandal,” Time [Asia] 10 November 2003: [ Link» ].
Jones, Malcolm. Newsweek 24 November 2003: 84.
Keenan, John. “The Shadowland Between Truth and Fiction,” January Magazine [Online publication]: [ Link» ].
Kephart, Beth. “Professional Liars,” Book Magazine (November–December 2003): [ Link» ].
Kot, Greg. Entertainment Weekly 21 November 2003: 90.
Lacayo, Richard. “Rhyme and Punishment,” Time 24 November 2003: 80.
Lanchester, John. “Hall of Mirrors,” New York Review of Books 15 January 2004: 38.
Lloyd, Paul. “Artful Dodger,” Advertiser 30 August 2003: Weekend 3.
Lynn, Allison. People 15 December 2003: 51.
MacDonald, Jay. “Writer’s Latest Book Proves Wonderful Jolt of Truth,” News-Press.Com 1 December 2003: C25.
MacFarlane, Robert. “Dangerous Inventions,” Times Literary Supplement 12 September 2003: 23.
Malin, Irving. Review of Contemporary Fiction 24.1 (2004): 146.
Maliszewski, Paul. “Poetic Invention: Peter Carey, Ern Malley, and the Art of the Hoax,” Bookforum: The Review for Art, Fiction, and Culture 10.4 (2003): 8—10.
Maslin, Janet. “On a Treasure Hunt, Poetry as the Payoff,” New York Times 6 November 2003: E9.
——. “Peter Carey’s My Life as a Fake is a Giddy, Dizzying Ride,” San Diego Tribune 23 November 2003: Books 2.
——. International Herald Tribune 10 November 2003: 7.
Morrison, Blake. “Damaged Beast of the Antipodes: Peter Carey’s True Story of a Hoax is Fast, Fantastic and Flawed,” Guardian [London] 13 September 2003: 16.
Morrison, Blake. “Monster Hunt,” Manchester Guardian Weekly 1 October 2003: 16.
Murphy, Jessica. “A Living, Breathing Hoax,” Atlantic Online 22 October 2003: [ Link» ].
Mullan, John. “Haunted by a Hoax,” Evening Standard [London] 8 September 2003: 43.
Munson, Sam. “Surrealism Down Under,” Weekly Standard 9.3 (2003): 34.
Naparstek, Ben. “Carey Writing On,” Courier-Mail 26 July 2003: M4.
——. “Faking It,” Pages 11.11—12 (2003): 15.
——. “True History to Grand Hoax,” Canberra Times 26 July 2003: Books 1—2.
O’Regan, Nadine. “Novel Based on Literary Hoax Encounters Flaws That Are All Too Real,” Sunday Business Post 28 September 2003: 15.
Overdorf, Jason. “Poetry or Pretension?” Far Eastern Economic Review 166.46: 64.
Parini, Jay. “Thin True Line: Fact, Fiction Collide in Carey’s Phantom Poet,” Boston Globe 30 November 2003: D7.
Porter, Peter. “Spooked by a Spoof,” Spectator 27 September 2003: 54.
Press, Joy. “My Little Phony,” Village Voice 5 November 2003: C84.
Rafferty, Terrence. “Never Mess With a Poet,” New York Times Book Review 9 November 2003: 12.
Riddell, Don. “Still Angry,” Adelaide Review (September 2003): 6.
Seaman, Donna. Booklist 1 September 2003: 5.
Simon, Clea. “Dead Poet’s Society,” Boston Phoenix 7 November 2003: 28.
Simon, Clea. “Dead Poet’s Society: Peter Carey’s Game of Literature and Life,” Portland Phoenix 15 May 2004: [ Link» ].
Steger, Jason. “Carey Again Links to the Past,” Age 30 August 2003: Review 6.
Sutton, Henry. “The Non-Existent Poets Society,” Independent on Sunday 14 September 2003: 17.
Templeton, Tom. “Hoax of the Century,” Observer 23 May 2004: Seite?[Reviews the paperback edition]
Thomas, Rob. “Fake Gets Real Interesting,” Capital Times 21 November 2003: [ Link» ].
Thomson, Margie. New Zealand Herald 17 August 2003: [ Link» ].
Updike, John. “Papery Passions,” New Yorker 24 November 2003: 100.
Vincent, Bev. “My Life as a Fake Can Be Confusing with its Many Layers,” Courier [Texas] 2 January 2004: [ Link» ].
Wolfe, Peter. “Carey’s Latest Novel is a Real Who’s Who,” St Louis Post-Dispatch 30 November 2003: C13.
Wolff, Carlo. “Tracking an Illusion of Literature,” Sun Sentinel [Fort Lauderdale, FL] 16 November 2003: B20.
——. “Right Words, Wrong Writer? Dazzling ‘Fake’ Delves into the Power of Imagination,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 2 November 2003: 6E.
Wyndham, Susan. “For My Next Trick…,” Sydney Morning Herald 26 July 2003: 4—5.
4.15 General Criticism
4.15.1 Monographs
Byrne, Trevor. The Problem of the Past: The Treatment of History in the Novels of Peter Carey and David Malouf (PhD, U of Adelaide, 2001).
Dolce, Maria Renata. Dialoghi con la storia: Peter Carey e il nuovo romanzo storico (Lecce, Italy: Pensa Multi Media, 2000).
Hassall, Anthony J. Dancing on Hot Macadam: Peter Carey’s Fiction (St Lucia: U of Queensland P, 1994). [Rev. anon. in Times Literary Supplement 8 April 1994: 32]
Huggan, Graham. Peter Carey (Melbourne: Oxford UP, 1996). [Rev. by David Coad in World Literature Today 72.1 (1998): 216].
Krassnitzer, Hermine. Aspects of Narration in Peter Carey’s Novels: Deconstructing Colonialism (Salzburg University Studies; Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1995).
Lamb, Karen. Peter Carey: The Genesis of Fame (Pymble, NSW: Angus & Robertson, 1992).
Larsson, Christer. “The Relative Merits of Goodness and Originality”: The Ethics of Storytelling in Peter Carey’s Novels (PhD, Uppsala University [Sweden], 2001).
Meinig, Sigrun. Witnessing the Past: The Representation of History and Australia’s Post-Colonial Predicament in Selected Historical Novels by Henry Handel Richardson, Patrick White, Peter Carey and Rodney Hall (PhD, University of Mannheim, 2002).
Rowan, Leonie. Peter Carey’s “Illywhacker”: An Analysis of the Novel as a Work of Metafiction (Brisbane: Leonie Rowan, 1989).
Ryan—Fazilleau, Suzan. La lecture ludique et les oeuvres de Peter Carey (PhD, University of Toulouse [France], 1994).
Woodcock, Bruce. Peter Carey (Manchester: Manchester UP, 1996; rev. ed. 2003).
4.15.2 General Issues in Carey’s Fictions
Ashcroft, Bill. “Against the Tide of Time: Peter Carey’s Interpolation into History,” Writing the Nation: Self and Country in the Post-Colonial Imagination, ed. John Charles Hawley (Critical Studies 7; Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996. 194—213).
Bliss, Carolyn. “The Revisionary Lover: Misprision of the Past in Peter Carey,” Australian & New Zealand Studies in Canada 6 (1991): 45—54.
——. “Time and Timelessness in Peter Carey’s Fiction: The Best of Both Worlds,” Antipodes 9.2 (1995): 97—105.
Clancy, Laurie. “Peter Carey,” in A Reader’s Guide to Australian Fiction (Melbourne: Oxford UP, 1992): 341—45.
Daniel, Helen. “Lies for Sale: Peter Carey,” in Liars: Australian New Novelists (Ringwood, Victoria: Penguin, 1988): 145—84.
——. “Peter Carey: The Rivalries of the Fictions,” in International Literature in English: Essays on the Major Writers, ed. Robert Ross (Chicago: St James, 1991): 405—15.
Dovey, Teresa. “An Infinite Onion: Narrative Structure in Peter Carey’s Fiction,” Australian Literary Studies 11.2 (1983): 195—204.
Fletcher, M.D. “Post-Colonial Peter Carey,” SPAN: Journal of the South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies 32 (1991): 12—23.
——. “The Theme of Entrapment in Peter Carey’s Fiction,” Australian Literature Today, ed. R.K. Dhawan & David Kerr (New Delhi: Indian Society for Commonwealth Studies, 1993): 74—79.
Fuery, Patrick. “Prisoners and Spiders Surrounded by Signs: Postmodernism and the Postcolonial Gaze in Contemporary Australian Culture,” in Recasting the World: Writing After Colonialism, ed. Jonathan White (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1993): 190—207.
Gaile, Andreas. “Panoptikum des Fünften Kontinents: Die Romane des Australiers Peter Carey,” Neue Zürcher Zeitung 27 October 2001: 82.
Ikin, Van. “Peter Carey,” in Contemporary Novelists, 6th ed., ed. Susan Windisch Brown (New York: St James, 1996): 180—81.
Herman, Luc. “Canonizing Australia: The Case of Peter Carey,” in Shades of Empire in Colonial and Post-Colonial Literatures, ed. Cedric Charles Barfoot & Theo D’Haen (DQR Studies in Literature 11; Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993): 109—15.
Huggan, Graham. “Peter Carey’s Fiction and the Incriminated Reader,” A Talent(ed) Digger: Creations, Cameos, and Essays in Honour of Anna Rutherford, ed. Hena Maes—Jelinek, Gordon Collier & Geoffrey Davis (Cross/Cultures 20; Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996): 485—91.
Indyk, Ivor. “Carey Whacker,” Independent Monthly 3.1 (July 1991): 39.
Kane, Paul. “Postcolonial/Postmodern: Australian Literature and Peter Carey,” World Literature Today 67.3 (1993): 519—22.
Larsson, Christer. “‘Years Later’: Temporality and Closure in Peter Carey’s Novels,” Australian Literary Studies 19.2 (1999): 176—85.
McKenna, Mark. “The Poetics of Place: Land, Constitution and Republic,” Griffith Review 2 (2003): 185—94, repr. in Dialogue 23.1 (2004): 27—33. [Discusses Carey’s preamble for the constitiution]
Mellors, John. “Moral Imperatives: The Fiction of Peter Carey,” London Magazine 31.7—8 (1991): 89—94.
Messud, Claire. “The Voicing of Australia,” LA Weekly 3 May 2002: B2 [Highly readable overview over Carey’s oeuvre]
Pierce, Peter. “Captivity, Captivation: Aspects of Peter Carey’s Fiction,” in “And What Books Do You Read?”: New Studies in Australian Literature, ed. Irmtraud Petersson & Martin Duwell (St Lucia: U of Queensland P, 1996): 140—50.
——. “Peter Carey’s Testaments,” in The Country of Lost Children: An Australian Anxiety, ed. Peter Pierce (Melbourne: Cambridge UP, 1999): 181—84.
Pordzik, Ralph. “Reinventing the Future(s): Peter Carey and the Dystopian Tradition in Australian Fiction,” in Missions of Interdependence: A Literary Directory, ed. Gerhard Stilz (Cross/Cultures 58; Rodopi: Amsterdam, 2002): 285—98.
Ross, Robert R. “‘It Cannot Not Be There’: Borges and Australia’s Peter Carey,” in Borges and his Successors: The Borgesian Impact on Literature and the Arts, ed. Edna Aizenberg (Columbia: U of Missouri P, 1990): 44—58.
Sheckels, Theodore F. “Filming Peter Carey: From the Adequate to the Distorted,” Antipodes 13.2 (1999): 91—94.
Smouha, Diana. “U.S. Reporting,” Australian Book Review 78 (February—March 1986): 36—37.
Stone, Les. “Peter Carey,” in Contemporary Authors: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current Writers in Fiction, General Nonfiction, Poetry, Journalism, Drama, Motion Pictures, Television and Other Fields, vol. 127, ed. Susan M. Trosky (Detroit: Gale, 1989): 72—74.
Turner, George. “Science Fiction, Parafiction, and Peter Carey,” Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Literature 10.1 (1988): 14—21.
Turner, Graeme. “American Dreaming: The Fictions of Peter Carey,” Australian Literary Studies 12.4 (1986): 431—41.
——. “Nationalising the Author: The Celebrity of Peter Carey,” Australian Literary Studies 16.2 (1993): 131—39.
4.15.3 Critical Articles, Essays and Chapters in Books Also Featuring Carey
Adam, Ian. “Breaking the Chain: Anti-Saussurean Resistance in Birney, Carey and C.S. Peirce,” World Literature Written in English 29.2 (1989): 11—22.
Anderson, Don. “In Short, Sir. That’s What These Past 10 Years Have Been About,” Sydney Morning Herald 30 December 1989: 41.
Batarde, Edward. “Australian Literature: A Toddler in the Marketplace,” Australian Book Review 112 (July 1989): 18—19.
Bennett, Sandy, “Carey, Jolley and Freeman: Three Authors from Print to Celluloid,” Encore [Australia] 22 July 1988: 20.
Bliss, Carolyn. “Matilda on Main Street: Naturalizing Australian Literature for American Readers,” Antipodes 1.1 (1987): 27—34.
——. “Categorical Infringement: Australian Prose in the Eighties,” Journal of Narrative Technique 21.1 (1991): 43—51
Brooks, David. “Codicils to the Book of Enoch,” in Tilting at Matilda: Literature, Aborigines, Women and the Church in Contemporary Australia, ed. Dennis Haskell (South Fremantle, WA: Fremantle Arts Centre, 1994): 18—29.
Burns, D.R. The Directions of Australian Fiction, 1920—1974 (Melbourne: Cassell Australia, 1975).
Byrne, Trevor. “The Road to Babi Yar: Anti-Historicism in Recent Australian Fiction,” in Land and Identity: Proceedings of the 1997 Conference Held at The University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, 27—30 September 1997, ed. Jennifer A. McDonell & Michael Deves (Armidale, NSW: Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 1998): 209—15.
Craven, Peter. “Literary Safety Net for the Decidedly Unsafe,” Weekend Australian 10 September 1988: 10.
Dessaix, Robert. “Climbing Helicon,” And so Forth (Sydney: Macmillan, 1998): 113—20.
Edwards, Brian. “Prospero’s Art: Zest and Instruction in Recent Canadian and Australian Fiction,” Australian—Canadian Studies 9.1—2 (1991): 79—90.
——. “Definition and Exchange: Australian Fiction 1988—90,” Australian & New Zealand Studies in Canada 8 (1992): 165—73.
Gelder, Ken & Paul Salzman. “Dialogues with History,” The New Diversity: Australian Fiction 1970—88, ed. Ken Gelder & Paul Salzman (Melbourne: McPhee Gribble, 1989): 113—39.
——. “History, Politics and the (Post) Modern: Receiving Australian Fiction,” Meanjin 47.3 (1988): 551—59. [Discusses Illywhacker].
Harrison—Ford, Carl. “How Good is the Boom in Australian Fiction?” Australian Author 7.2 (1975): 4—10.
Lane, Dorothy. “Dominionisation or Infiltration: Religion and the Territorial Imperative in Post-Colonial Writing,” in Resistance and Reconciliation: Writing in the Commonwealth, ed. Bruce Bennett et al. (Canberra: Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies, 2003): 114—29.
Lawson, Alan & Goodwin, Ken. “The Writing Process,” The Macmillan Anthology of Australian Literature, ed. Alan Lawson & Ken L. Goodwin (South Melbourne, Victoria: Macmillan, 1990): 377—83.
Lewis, Peter. “The Advantages of Distance: Recent Australasian Fiction,” Stand Magazine 25.2 (1984): 64—70.
Loiterton, Peter. “The Australian Short Story: From Federation to Modern Times,” Redoubt 18 (1994): 129—33
McCredden, Lyn. “Mapping the Maternal: A Reading of Contemporary Australian Fiction and Society,” Kunapipi 15.2 (1993): 22—36. [Refers to The Tax Inspector]
MacLeod, Mark. “The Year That Was: Australia,” Kunapipi 10.3 (1988): 76—79.
McSherry, Bernadette. “Power and Subjugation: Australian Society in the Fiction of David Ireland and Peter Carey,” Melbourne Journal of Politics 15 (1983—84): 82—90.
Muller, Laurie. “Publishing in Crisis,” Australian Bookseller & Publisher (December 1985): 12—14.
Myers, David. “Born Again in the Garden of Eden,” in Bleeding Battlers from Ironbark: Australian Myths in Fiction and Film, 1890s—1980s (Rockhampton, Queensland: Capricornia Institute, 1987): 147-60.
Neilsen, Philip. “Always Selling, Always Nice,” Oz Shrink Lit: Australia’s Classic Literature Cut Down to Size, ed. Michele Field (Ringwood, Victoria: Penguin, 1983): 119. [On Bliss]
O’Hearn, D.J. “A Bumper Crop,” Fine Line 5 (1989): 12—17. [On Oscar and Lucinda]
Pierce, Peter. “Preying on the Past: Contexts of Some Recent Neo-Historical Fiction,” Australian Literary Studies 15.4 (1992): 304—12.
Pordzik, Ralph. The Quest for Postcolonial Utopia: A Comparative Introduction to the Utopian Novel in the New English Literatures (New York: Peter Lang, 2001).
Powell, Diane. Out West: Perceptions of Sydney’s Western Suburbs (St Leonards, NSW: Allen & Unwin, 1993). [Discusses The Tax Inspector]
Quartermaine, Peter. “The Commonwealth Comeback,” Times Higher Education Supplement 12 February 1982: 11. [On The Fat Man in History]
Reid, Tony. “Dreamtime Australia,” New Zealand Listener 30 April 1991: 18—21.
Richards, Cameron. “Liars vs the New Diversity: Is There an Alternative to ‘Postmodernist’ Literary Studies?” Current Tensions: Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference, 6—11 July 1996, ed. Sharyn Pearce & Philip Neilsen (Brisbane: Queensland U of Technology, 1996): 30—38.
Stewart, Annette. “Recent Australian Fiction,” World Literature Written in English 22.2 (1983): 212—23. [On Bliss]
Strongman, Luke. The Booker Prize and the Legacy of Empire (Cross/Cultures 54; Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002). [Carey and the Booker Prize]
Sullivan, Jane. “Looking Backwards to Tomorrow,” Sunday Age 28 October 2001: Agenda 10. [On True History of the Kelly Gang]
Turner, George. “Parentheses: Concerning Matters of Judgement,” Meanjin 48.1 (1989): 195—204.
Turner, Graeme. National Fictions: Literature, Film and the Construction of Australia Narrative (Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1986). [Discusses “Fat Man in History,” “American Dreams,” and “The Chance”]
Webby, Elizabeth. “The Long March of Short Fiction: A Seventies Retrospective,” Meanjin 39.1 (1980): 127—33.
Wilding, Michael. “Australia,” in The Commonwealth Novel since 1960, ed. Bruce King (London: Macmillan, 1991): 19—32.
Wilhelmus, Tom. “Knowing,” Hudson Review 41 (1988): 548—56.
Williamson, David. “Letters from Our Heart,” Oxford Book of Australian Letters, ed. Brenda Niall & John Thompson (Melbourne: Oxford UP, 1998): 302—303. [On friendship between David Williamson and Peter Carey]
Yell, Susan. “Control and Conflict: Dialogue in Prose Fiction,” AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association 74 (1990): 136—53.
Younis, Raymond Aaron. “Apropos the Last ‘Post-‘: Contemporary Literature, Theory and Interpretation,” Literature & Theology 10.3 (1996): 280—89. [On Carey, David Malouf and Patrick White]
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